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Recipe of Love

di Peter Styles, JP Oliver

Serie: Finding Shore (2)

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Rivals can make the best lovers. Or the worst.Peter loves his small town, his friends, and his restaurant Amelia's. But when the competing restaurant across the street gets a new pastry chef, Peter decides that there is something that he really does not love: Drew Carter, pastry genius.Drew Carter is a drifter and a smart-ass, and Peter can't stand him. But... he happens to be incredibly hot. He might be working for the enemy, but Peter just has to get himself a taste.When Peter and Drew finally hook up, sparks will fly... but will the heat burn both restaurants to the ground?Sweet temptation meets hungry lust in this hot 50,000-word gay love story, Recipe of Love. With steamy scenes of hot gay romance baked in, this little treat is for adults only.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daMoshepit20, ika_129, Claudia_M
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A lovely story with a setting in a little town, which, IMHO, adds richness to the interactions between characters.

I really loved the connection between Peter and Drew, and how they go from lust to love in a way that didn't feel rushed or unrealistic. A feeling-good story with the right amount of hotness, the right size to read in one afternoon, curled in a couch with hot cocoa... or iced tea if you live where I live :P

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  Claudia_M | Oct 27, 2018 |
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Peter Stylesautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Oliver, JPautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato

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Rivals can make the best lovers. Or the worst.Peter loves his small town, his friends, and his restaurant Amelia's. But when the competing restaurant across the street gets a new pastry chef, Peter decides that there is something that he really does not love: Drew Carter, pastry genius.Drew Carter is a drifter and a smart-ass, and Peter can't stand him. But... he happens to be incredibly hot. He might be working for the enemy, but Peter just has to get himself a taste.When Peter and Drew finally hook up, sparks will fly... but will the heat burn both restaurants to the ground?Sweet temptation meets hungry lust in this hot 50,000-word gay love story, Recipe of Love. With steamy scenes of hot gay romance baked in, this little treat is for adults only.

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