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Pumpkin Pie Mystery (Amish Sweet Shop Mystery) (Volume 4)

di Naomi Miller

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215,380,446 (5)4
"In the small town of Abbott Creek, mystery is as much a part of daily life as The Sweet Shop's Pumpkin pies. Katie Chupp spends her days at The Sweet Shop. . . baking for the upcoming holidays and enjoying the changing seasons. Thanksgiving is approaching and the residents of Abbott Creek are preparing to give thanks for their blessings. But between fielding questions from every person in town who is desperate to find out where Mrs. Simpkins has gone, to finding extra help for the busy holiday season, Katie's blessings this year are being outweighed by her problems. When a stranger comes to town looking for work, will it be an answer to Katie's prayers or spell trouble at The Sweet Shop?"… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daLadyoftheLodge, Harley0326

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It’s so nice to come back and visit old friends. I feel as if Katie is my friend along with the other characters in this engaging story. It’s an easy read packed with fun, romance and a bit of mystery. It’s like a present wrapped up. As you unwrap it, more layers seem to appear. Each layer holds a key to a part of the story. When the present is finally revealed, you have a gift of a book filled with joy and old friends ready to begin their new adventure.

Katie has always been my favorite character in this series. She is sweet , talented and always willing to help out. It is a little hard on Katie to witness the happiness between her friend Freida who is getting married soon. Can Katie come through and make a beautiful cake for her friend?

I’m glad to have Mrs. Simpson back. She sure is a mysterious woman. The last we saw she was arguing out in front of the store with Mr. O’Neal. I don’t think it is a secret that they like each other, but something funny is going on between them two. Why does Mrs. Simpson suddenly leave on a cruise without letting Mr. O’Neal know that ? Something sure is not adding up with those two.

I’m curious about this young woman who comes in asking for a job at the Sweet Shop. Who is she and does anyone know her? The author has written another wonderful story that keeps readers entertained with her light hearted writing and mysteries that leave readers hanging. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion. ( )
  Harley0326 | Jan 22, 2018 |
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"In the small town of Abbott Creek, mystery is as much a part of daily life as The Sweet Shop's Pumpkin pies. Katie Chupp spends her days at The Sweet Shop. . . baking for the upcoming holidays and enjoying the changing seasons. Thanksgiving is approaching and the residents of Abbott Creek are preparing to give thanks for their blessings. But between fielding questions from every person in town who is desperate to find out where Mrs. Simpkins has gone, to finding extra help for the busy holiday season, Katie's blessings this year are being outweighed by her problems. When a stranger comes to town looking for work, will it be an answer to Katie's prayers or spell trouble at The Sweet Shop?"

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