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Still Can't Do My Daughter's Hair

di William Evans

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242977,208 (4.5)2
Still Can't Do My Daughter's Hair is the latest book by author William Evans, founder of Black Nerd Problems. Evans is a long-standing voice in the performance poetry scene, who has performed at venues across the country and been featured on numerous final stages, including the National Poetry Slam and Individual World Poetry Slam. Evans' commanding, confident style shines through in these poems, which explore masculinity, fatherhood, and family, and what it means to make a home as a black man in contemporary America.… (altro)
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This is easily one of the best poetry books out there, and possibly one of the best books, period. William Evans just has a way of getting to you in a way no other author ever has. Every poem hit me, and despite our different experiences, it felt as though he were picking out the deepest parts of me and articulating it into words I could not have found on my own. Thank you, Mr. Evans. ( )
  ninagl | Jan 7, 2023 |
Powerful poetry that pins you down and makes you see the reality that is all around you, but that if you are not a person of color, you may be blind to. A glimpse behind the white-washed wall of mainstream reality. ( )
  LilyRoseShadowlyn | Dec 24, 2019 |
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Still Can't Do My Daughter's Hair is the latest book by author William Evans, founder of Black Nerd Problems. Evans is a long-standing voice in the performance poetry scene, who has performed at venues across the country and been featured on numerous final stages, including the National Poetry Slam and Individual World Poetry Slam. Evans' commanding, confident style shines through in these poems, which explore masculinity, fatherhood, and family, and what it means to make a home as a black man in contemporary America.

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