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Between You and Me

di Susan Wiggs

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2861295,926 (3.97)1
"Deep within the peaceful heart of Amish country, a life-or-death emergency shatters a quiet world to its core.Number-oneNew York Times bestselling author Susan Wiggs delivers a riveting story that challenges our deepest-held beliefs. Caught between two worlds, Caleb Stoltz is bound by a deathbed promise to raise his orphaned niece and nephew in Middle Grove, where life revolves around family, farm, faith--and long-held suspicions about outsiders. When disaster strikes, Caleb is thrust into an urban environment of high-tech medicine and the relentless rush of modern life. Dr. Reese Powell is poised to join the medical dynasty of her wealthy, successful parents. Bold, assertive, and quick-thinking, she lives for the addictive rush of saving lives. When a shocking accident brings Caleb Stoltz into her life, Reese is forced to deal with a situation that challenges everything she thinks she knows--and ultimately emboldens her to question her most powerful beliefs. Then one impulsive act brings about a clash of cultures in a tug-of-war that plays out in a courtroom, challenging the very nature of justice and reverberating through generations, straining the fragile threads of faith and family. Deeply moving and unforgettable, Between You and Me is an emotionally complex story of love and loss, family and friendship, and the arduous road to discovering the heart's true path"--… (altro)
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Beautiful story and such a sweet twist at the end. I would love to read a follow up about these characters! ( )
  Z_Brarian | Dec 12, 2022 |
This is my summer of reading Library books, so I was happy to get a Susan Wiggs novel to breeze through in between the more challenging reading I’ve been doing. Not that there isn’t some darkness inside Between You and Me, because there is some heavier family issues. Caleb was raised in an Amish community, but left, until his brother died and he returned home raise his niece and nephew. Another tragedy brings him into contact with Dr. Reese Powell whose life couldn’t be more different. She’s from a wealthy family, her parents are doctors and want the best for her which they have planned out to the minute. Meeting each other has them questioning what they both want and need in life. For me it was a fast read, very interesting, and other than some swearing I liked it. Yes there is a mystery element too. ( )
  PamelaBarrett | Aug 8, 2022 |
This was a sweet romance about an Amish man whose nephew is injured in a terrible accident and needs extensive medical treatment, and the doctor he meets at the hospital. Caleb and Reese were great characters, both people who’d never quite fit in with their communities. I really enjoyed the development of the relationships with the side characters as well. It was a well-fleshed out world.

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader. ( )
  KatKinney | Mar 3, 2022 |
Another good story to read by this author. This is the story of Caleb Stoltz and Reese Powell and the struggles and challenges they incur as they work to become a couple with his orphaned niece and nephew. Being a Susan Wiggs fan, this is another of her books well worth reading. ( )
  CandyH | May 20, 2021 |
Absolutely one of the best books I have ever read. All the feels and the characters are amazing. I did not want this one to end and tears of joy at the ending. Many 5 stars for it. ( )
  SharleneMartinMoore | Apr 24, 2021 |
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"Deep within the peaceful heart of Amish country, a life-or-death emergency shatters a quiet world to its core.Number-oneNew York Times bestselling author Susan Wiggs delivers a riveting story that challenges our deepest-held beliefs. Caught between two worlds, Caleb Stoltz is bound by a deathbed promise to raise his orphaned niece and nephew in Middle Grove, where life revolves around family, farm, faith--and long-held suspicions about outsiders. When disaster strikes, Caleb is thrust into an urban environment of high-tech medicine and the relentless rush of modern life. Dr. Reese Powell is poised to join the medical dynasty of her wealthy, successful parents. Bold, assertive, and quick-thinking, she lives for the addictive rush of saving lives. When a shocking accident brings Caleb Stoltz into her life, Reese is forced to deal with a situation that challenges everything she thinks she knows--and ultimately emboldens her to question her most powerful beliefs. Then one impulsive act brings about a clash of cultures in a tug-of-war that plays out in a courtroom, challenging the very nature of justice and reverberating through generations, straining the fragile threads of faith and family. Deeply moving and unforgettable, Between You and Me is an emotionally complex story of love and loss, family and friendship, and the arduous road to discovering the heart's true path"--

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