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Ani's Raw Food Kitchen: Easy,…
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Ani's Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable Living Foods Recipes (edizione 2007)

di Ani Phyo

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2002140,749 (3.75)1
The ultimate gourmet, living foods "uncookbook" for busy people.
Titolo:Ani's Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable Living Foods Recipes
Autori:Ani Phyo
Info:Da Capo Press (2007), Paperback, 272 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Ani's Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable Living Foods Recipes di Ani Phyo

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After reading this book I am giving serious consideration to having one day a week as a raw food day. I loved this book's approach and methodology. It really makes it look simple and feasible. ( )
  HardcoverHearts | Mar 24, 2018 |
We are pretty much a meat-free household here, and have been experimenting with various non-carnivorous points of view to broaden our dining experiences. Raw food came on the horizon for several reason recently. We're not convinced to take the plunge, but it's certainly added a new aspect to the possibilities for dinner. Ani's recipes (or at least the ones I've tried) are tasty and liked by us both. I still think it's a little weird to call things mylk or cheeze, just like I object to soy or mushroom products being called "chicken" or "beef". They're not. And if you go into an experience expecting these nachos or salmon burgers or minestrone soup to taste like nachos, or salmon or minestrone, you've got another think coming. But that doesn't mean they're not tasty in their own right.

The annoying bits for me were all the pictures of Ani, and her (moderate though it is in comparison to others) Raw Food proselytizing. We had a good laugh over her saying she was saving the earth by not putting a stove in the land fill, but neglecting to consider the electricity used by her blenders, food processers and dehydrators. And javaczuk swears he's getting me the pedal-powered blender some day.

All in all a decent book for a glimpse into Raw Foodie World. We're incorporating some of the recipes into our regular meal plans, for sure. ( )
  bookczuk | Jun 21, 2010 |
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The ultimate gourmet, living foods "uncookbook" for busy people.

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