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Reporter: A Memoir di Seymour M. Hersh
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Reporter: A Memoir (edizione 2018)

di Seymour M. Hersh (Autore)

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2518110,585 (4.14)8
Biography & Autobiography. History. Nonfiction. HTML:"Reporter is just wonderful. Truly a great life, and what shines out of the book, amid the low cunning and tireless legwork, is Hersh's warmth and humanity. This book is essential reading for every journalist and aspiring journalist the world over." John le Carr
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning, best-selling author and preeminent investigative journalist of our time
a heartfelt, hugely revealing memoir of a decades-long career breaking some of the most impactful stories of the last half-century, from Washington to Vietnam to the Middle East.
Seymour Hersh's fearless reporting has earned him fame, front-page bylines in virtually every major newspaper in the free world, honors galore, and no small amount of controversy. Now in this memoir he describes what drove him and how he worked as an independent outsider, even at the nation's most prestigious publications. He tells the stories behind the storiesriveting in their own rightas he chases leads, cultivates sources, and grapples with the weight of what he uncovers, daring to challenge official narratives handed down from the powers that be. In telling these stories, Hersh divulges previously unreported information about some of his biggest scoops, including the My Lai massacre and the horrors at Abu Ghraib. There are also illuminating recollections of some of the giants of American politics and journalism: Ben Bradlee, A. M. Rosenthal, David Remnick, and Henry Kissinger among them. This is essential reading on the power of the printed word at a time when good journalism is under fire as never before.
… (altro)
Titolo:Reporter: A Memoir
Autori:Seymour M. Hersh (Autore)
Info:Knopf (2018), Edition: First Edition, 368 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Read in 2024, nonfiction, memoir

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Reporter: A Memoir di Seymour M. Hersh

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Seymour’s memoir “Reporter” is a dense walk-thru of his life as a newspaper reporter. He covers his young life and his very early career, working for a local news bureau and regional weeklies. His early jobs as a cub reporter in Chicago showed him the importance of cultivating sources and being discreet. For Sy, as he was known, it blossomed into a long and important prize-winning writing career.

He writes about his major stories over the past several decades. He also writes about the competitive nature between newspapers and newspaper reporters, and the necessary tension between editors, publishers and “lone wolf” writers like himself. His book is full of names and dates and places, so it demands attentive reading. His book features a superb index in case I had to remind myself of a particular person or place. He closes his book by saying he’s still working, and he’s got at least one more book more coming. I’ll be looking out for it! ( )
  rickumali | Mar 16, 2024 |
Wonderful ( )
  mindatlarge | Jun 28, 2022 |
This memoir is a great read from beginning to end. Vietnam (My Lai) and Watergate are the obvious highlights but Hersh’s descriptions of his CIA, Gulf-Western, Kissinger, Kennedy, Abu Graib and Bin Laden investigative reports and books are also fascinating. By protecting his sources, Hersh gained and kept the trust of those inside the US Government who wanted the truth to get out. While often controversial, his reports have stood the test of time. His Democratic leanings are clear in the book (and the story of his role as press spokesman for Gene McCarthy’s presidential campaign is another highlight), but the integrity of his investigative reports seem unaffected by his politics. Some of his best sources have not been Democrats. His interactions with the editors and management of the New York Times, New Yorker and other publications are another entertaining and insightful aspect of the book, especially his relationship with Abe Rosenthal. Despite the efforts of the media to concoct a rivalry of Bob Woodward and Seymour Hersh, he mentioned several times his positive relationship with Woodward and their efforts to build on each others’ work in the Watergate and other stories. By describing his journalistic techniques, he also intends that his memoirs should have a vocational benefit for beginning journalists. ( )
  drsabs | Jul 3, 2019 |
First I don't like Hersh or rather his writing. It isn't I don't believe him, but I would rather I didn't have to.

I must give him as high a rating as possible he deserves it ( )
  wwj | Jun 14, 2019 |
This was a great memoir from the acclaimed journalist. Hersch manages to weave his narrative through the facts, presented in the same style as, seemingly, his journalism was. His voice, stories, and details flow throughout the book and are expounded in a nonetheless tacit fashion.The anecdotes that are bordered around this are also interesting and poignant.

Overall, a great book: 4 stars! ( )
  DanielSTJ | May 5, 2019 |
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Biography & Autobiography. History. Nonfiction. HTML:"Reporter is just wonderful. Truly a great life, and what shines out of the book, amid the low cunning and tireless legwork, is Hersh's warmth and humanity. This book is essential reading for every journalist and aspiring journalist the world over." John le Carr
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning, best-selling author and preeminent investigative journalist of our time
a heartfelt, hugely revealing memoir of a decades-long career breaking some of the most impactful stories of the last half-century, from Washington to Vietnam to the Middle East.
Seymour Hersh's fearless reporting has earned him fame, front-page bylines in virtually every major newspaper in the free world, honors galore, and no small amount of controversy. Now in this memoir he describes what drove him and how he worked as an independent outsider, even at the nation's most prestigious publications. He tells the stories behind the storiesriveting in their own rightas he chases leads, cultivates sources, and grapples with the weight of what he uncovers, daring to challenge official narratives handed down from the powers that be. In telling these stories, Hersh divulges previously unreported information about some of his biggest scoops, including the My Lai massacre and the horrors at Abu Ghraib. There are also illuminating recollections of some of the giants of American politics and journalism: Ben Bradlee, A. M. Rosenthal, David Remnick, and Henry Kissinger among them. This is essential reading on the power of the printed word at a time when good journalism is under fire as never before.

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