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Soldier's Promise

di Cindi Myers

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She's undercover to expose a cult leader. He's on a mission to save his family. Officer Jake Lohmiller can't believe the dark-haired, self-contained woman who earlier caught his eye was able to get the drop on him. Or that Carmen Redhorse is an undercover Ranger Brigade sergeant investigating the same Colorado cult his mother and sister are in. When a sniper opens fire on the encampment, the two join forces to bring down a killer. But even as the danger--and the death count--escalates, Jake sees the possibilities of teaming up with the smart, sexy cop on a permanent basis. If they can make it out alive... The Ranger Brigade: Family Secrets… (altro)
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Good continuation of the series. Jake is a Fish and Wildlife officer working undercover to expose a ring of cactus smugglers. He is also using the time to check up on his mother and sister who are part of the Family cult. He wasn't happy when a woman from the cult was able to sneak up on him and hold him at gunpoint. Carmen is a member of the Ranger Brigade who has been undercover with the cult. The Brigade has been investigating the cult for some time. Carmen's job is to make sure the members are safe and healthy.

When someone starts shooting at the camp, and a cult member ends up dead, Jake and Carmen decide to work together to find the killer and stop him. I loved the teamwork between Carmen and Jake. She has more experience in law enforcement than Jake does, but he has no problem with following her lead when necessary. The suspense of the story begins immediately and continues to build intensity throughout the story. There are several possibilities that must be considered. Jake's investigation into the smuggling of endangered cacti turns up a connection to the "Family" causing him more worry about the safety of his mother and sister. The leader of the cult claims that he is in danger from the same people. As Jake and Carmen delve deeper into their investigation, it becomes clear that someone doesn't want their interference. Everything comes to a nervewracking head when the bad guy takes Carmen and Jake's sister hostage in an effort to stop Jake. The final confrontation was intense and had me on the edge of my seat until it was all over. While Jake's case is resolved, the issue of the cult leader remains. Each book has brought out more information about him, but nothing yet that will shut him down. There were some instances I felt a little sorry for him, but mostly I thought he was controlling and creepy. I'm looking forward to seeing how his part ends up.

From the moment they met there was an instant attraction between Jake and Carmen. Neither one tries to hide it, but there are also some issues between them, including trust and family expectations. Jake is used to doing whatever necessary to blend in during his cases which makes Carmen wonder if she sees the real Jake or an assumed identity. They also have differing experiences with family, which have influenced who they are. Jake's experience with a flaky, drug-addicted mother caused a rift which he is now trying to mend. Carmen's family is close, with her mother trying to "encourage" Carmen to do things Carmen isn't interested in. She loves her family, but a little goes a long way, and she works hard to maintain her independence. I liked the way that Jake and Carmen were able to talk honestly with each other about their pasts and their dreams for the future. I loved how, in the end, Jake realized that he needed Carmen's love and faith in him to be the man she believes in. And Carmen realized that she didn't have to prove herself to Jake; that he loved her just the way she was. ( )
  scoutmomskf | Jan 10, 2018 |
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The Ranger Brigade (Family Secrets - 8)

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For Morgan and Erik
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Jake Lohmiller raised the binoculars to his eyes and studied the group of women who moved along the rim of the canyon.
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She's undercover to expose a cult leader. He's on a mission to save his family. Officer Jake Lohmiller can't believe the dark-haired, self-contained woman who earlier caught his eye was able to get the drop on him. Or that Carmen Redhorse is an undercover Ranger Brigade sergeant investigating the same Colorado cult his mother and sister are in. When a sniper opens fire on the encampment, the two join forces to bring down a killer. But even as the danger--and the death count--escalates, Jake sees the possibilities of teaming up with the smart, sexy cop on a permanent basis. If they can make it out alive... The Ranger Brigade: Family Secrets

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