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Over the Moon

di Hailey Edwards

Serie: Gemini (6)

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Dell has persuaded the Bloodless army to fight alongside her pack in Butler, but she still has to get there. Halfway home, the rift detonates, blasting out a magic surge that sweeps across the globe, frying electronics and spells alike. Leaving her with no way to get home except on her own two - or four - feet. Dangerous times demand equally lethal alliances, and she has to make a risky deal if she wants to reach the front lines before it's too late. The bargain grants an ancient fae power over her, a hold she vowed no man would ever have on her again, but freedom requires sacrifice. As the threshold between Earth and Faerie erodes, humans and supernaturals alike are in danger of being erased as the fae seek to claim this world as their own. This is the moment when new legends arise and old gods fall, when fates unspool and futures unravel, when battles are won and lives are lost. The war isn't just coming. It's here.… (altro)
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Over the Moon concludes the arc series for the Gemini and Lorimar Pack. We may return to the Black Dog world, but for now Dell’s story and many others are ending.

I’d say this series is best read after at least starting the Gemini series with book one, if not beginning with the Black Dog series. Theirry who is our heroine in the Black Dog series plays a major role in the Lorimar Pack books and world.

It’s been a thrilling adventure from start to finish. I feel in love with Ms. Edwards writing and world when I read [b:Dog with a Bone|23211040|Dog with a Bone (Black Dog, #1)|Hailey Edwards||42753864] book one in the Black Dog series. I’ve come to relish and savor the stories, characters, and world.

This one brings back many of the old characters: Thierry and Shaw, Cam and Graeson, and many more. Fans will not be disappointed in the return of favorite characters nor the conclusion that is given with each getting an epilogue at the end.

As for Dell her adventures have taught her to rely on others, think things through, and be more careful. She’s grown into a better Beta for her pack and a stronger more confident women.

Earth and Faerie are at war. It’s an eye opener for the humans and a turning point for the supernaturals. Dell and Isaac are hard pressed to stay in one piece and come out alive on the other side. Deals are being made and allies are coming to help. It’s a bad place, but what can you do? Except deal with the hard circumstances and hope everything will turn out ok at the end.

Over the Moon ending on a wonderful note. I’m hoping we get a few more spin-offs for some of the characters featured in the series. Isaac's twin brother Theo’s epilogue was an eye opener and has me wanting to know his story.

If you are a fan of Urban Fantasy. I highly recommend picking up the Black Dog, Gemini, and Lorimar Pack series.

Rated: 4 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Hailey Edwards with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

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  angels_gp | Apr 26, 2018 |
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Gemini (6)
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Dell has persuaded the Bloodless army to fight alongside her pack in Butler, but she still has to get there. Halfway home, the rift detonates, blasting out a magic surge that sweeps across the globe, frying electronics and spells alike. Leaving her with no way to get home except on her own two - or four - feet. Dangerous times demand equally lethal alliances, and she has to make a risky deal if she wants to reach the front lines before it's too late. The bargain grants an ancient fae power over her, a hold she vowed no man would ever have on her again, but freedom requires sacrifice. As the threshold between Earth and Faerie erodes, humans and supernaturals alike are in danger of being erased as the fae seek to claim this world as their own. This is the moment when new legends arise and old gods fall, when fates unspool and futures unravel, when battles are won and lives are lost. The war isn't just coming. It's here.

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