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TBH, This Is So Awkward

di Lisa Greenwald

Serie: TBH (1)

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Told entirely in text messages, emails, and notes, best friends Prianka, Gabby, and Cecily find their friendship tested by busily planning a spring fair, bullying, and boys.
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The format will be attractive to a of lot kids. It's all texts, emails, and notes. An easy read about middle school drama that borrows heavily from [b:The Hundred Dresses|42369|The Hundred Dresses|Eleanor Estes||1000219] and [b:Wonder|11387515|Wonder (Wonder, #1)|R.J. Palacio||16319487].

For a much deeper book about middle school friendship, first love, and texting I highly recommend [b:Goodbye Stranger|23615709|Goodbye Stranger|Rebecca Stead||43219487].

Even though I thought this was kinda meh, I have to admit I got sucked into the drama and finished it. It took me less than an hour to read. On the positive side, it raises important questions about social cruelty, bullying, and privacy. Do you have to be friends with a new kid (even if you think she's annoying)? How can you stop digital bullying in your school? Should parents be allowed to read all of their kids' texts? ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
Students are loving this series, and I can see why. The deceptively simple format tells a convincing story of sixth graders dealing with all the pressure, stress and conflict of being 11ish. It must be a relief to kids who read this and feel like someone really understands what they are dealing with. Can't wait to read the rest of the series, but it'll be a while before I can snag it from one of the kids. ( )
  kamlibrarian | Dec 23, 2022 |
Cecily, Prianka, and Gabby have been friends as long as they can remember, and they have communicated using group texts to each other. However, Victoria is new to school and is trying hard to fit in. When she discovers that the three other girls talk to each other through group texts, she tries to join in so she can become their friend. The girls aren't exactly mean to her, but they do exclude her from their texting group, but what happens when one of the girls makes a mistake?

TBH, This Is SO Awkward is the first in the TBH series. Almost the entire story is told through texts, notes, journal entries, and emails. The format makes it a little difficult to get into the flow and pace of the story because the reader must constantly check to see who is talking in order to understand what is going on. However, this method of storytelling does allow for a quick read, especially for those who are familiar with texting language and symbols. There is also a glossary in the back of the book to help those who need translations. Overall, TBH, This Is SO Awkward, is an original story, containing a good lesson. ( )
  ftbooklover | Oct 12, 2021 |
A trio of friends experience a lot of drama throughout the first half of the school year as they deal with planning a dance, worrying about crushes, looming threats of moving, and not-so-successfully negotiating adding new friends to the mix.

This book is written almost entirely in text (complete with tons of emojis), with the addition of a few letters from the principal, handwritten notes, and emails. This may seem like a contrivance but it works incredibly well here. I love seeing a modern twist on the epistolary novel. Greenwald manages to build a compelling story with characters who feel real.

A big undercurrent in this book involves the introduction of a new girl to the school; she desperately wants to fit in and while the three main friends don't intend to be mean, they end up being exactly so. I like the idea that no one really sets out to be the bully but sometimes it happens if a person isn't consciously trying otherwise. I think this is important for kids (and adults) to realize and hope this book will help them examine their own social relationships. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Oct 30, 2019 |
Literary Merit: Good
Characterization: Excellent
Recommended: Recommended
Level: Middle School

TBH, this book is pretty stinking cute.

Gabby, Priyanka, and Cecily are three best friends in the sixth grade learning how to navigate first crushes, school dances, and new classmates. A lot of issues arise throughout the story, like social media misuse, bullying, and a bit of stalkerish, pushy behavior. It’s hard to agree with one party in regards to the issues being presented because no one is completely innocent.

New girl Victoria feels unwelcome in her new school and takes it upon herself to take some of her classmates phone numbers from the school registry and just randomly start texting them. While this isn’t the worst offense possible, it’s still a little bit of a violation of privacy. It would have been different if she had asked the classmates first if they were comfortable with her contacting them, but instead she just went full speed ahead and basically pushed into their social circle. On the other side of the spectrum, Cece, Gabby and Pri were not all the most welcoming, and while they didn’t think they were being outright mean to Victoria, they didn’t realize that by ignoring her, they were hurting her feelings just as badly as if they were to say nasty things to or about her. In the end however, things get resolved and wrapped up nicely. Everyone realizes that it’s easier to just be nice, and give others a chance and get to know them before making any judgments.

My favorite thing about this book was that the entire thing was told in text and email format with lots of emojis. It really enhanced the story and made it easy for pacing purposes and atmosphere. Young kids are really obsessed with their phones and texting their friends so it portrayed their age group quite well and dug into the real life issue of cyber bullying. I love stories that are told in mixed media, especially text. It makes things more interesting and definitely helps with finishing the story faster.

Overall, this was a really cute read and a great way for young girls and boys to learn a lesson about social media behavior and acceptance. ( )
1 vota SWONroyal | Mar 6, 2018 |
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TBH (1)
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Told entirely in text messages, emails, and notes, best friends Prianka, Gabby, and Cecily find their friendship tested by busily planning a spring fair, bullying, and boys.

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Media: (3.18)
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