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Deep Storm: A Novel di Lincoln Child
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Deep Storm: A Novel (edizione 2007)

di Lincoln Child

Serie: Jeremy Logan (1)

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1,901529,175 (3.61)42
Fiction. Science Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this explosive thriller, one of the most incredible and frightening discoveries mankind has ever faced is about to surface.
On an oil platform in the middle of the North Atlantic, a terrifying series of illnesses is spreading through the crew. When expert naval doctor Peter Crane is flown in, he finds his real destination is not the platform itself but Deep Storm: a top secret aquatic science facility, two miles below on the ocean floor. And as Crane soon learns, the covert operation he finds there is concealing something far more sinister than a medical mystery—and much more deadly.

.… (altro)
Titolo:Deep Storm: A Novel
Autori:Lincoln Child
Info:Doubleday (2007), Hardcover, 384 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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(2007)Very good suspense thriller with SF overtones about an undersea project that is trying to discover the nature of a discovery of radio signals coming from beneath the crust of the Earth. Military control of the project leads to an effort to find the source which turns out to be a weapons storage facility left by an alien race that has the potential to destroy the solar system as it is comprised of black holes of matter and anti-matter.(PW) Best known as the coauthor (with Douglas Preston) of such bestselling thrillers as Dance of Death, Child delivers a well-crafted and literate science fiction thriller, his third solo effort (after 2004's Death Match). Peter Crane, a former naval doctor, faces the challenge of his career when he investigates a mysterious illness that has broken out on a North Atlantic oil rig. Sworn to secrecy, Crane is transported from the rig to an amazing undersea habitat run by the military that's apparently pursuing evidence that Atlantis exists. Psychotic episodes among the scientific staff as well as the activities of a saboteur that threatens the project's safety keep Crane busy, even as some of the staff members confront him with concerns that exploring the Earth's core could be fatal to all life on earth. Crisp writing energizes a familiar plot, which builds to an unsettling climax with echoes of Child and Preston's The Ice Limit.
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
I am returning this (overdue)book and will revisit it when my life and my home are less chaotic ( )
  Kim.Sasso | Aug 27, 2023 |
Una plataforma petrolera del Atlántico Norte solicita urgentemente la ayuda de un médico, el doctor Peter Crane; este, al llegar, se encuentra con un panorama desolador: un gran número de trabajadores sufren una confusa variedad de síntomas extraños. A pesar de que no consigue un diagnóstico claro, las investigaciones del doctor Crane revelan datos asombrosos. La plataforma se levanta sobre una estructura de muchos niveles habitada por científicos y técnicos que se dedican a un proyecto ultrasecreto: localizar e investigar los restos de una antigua y sofisticada civilización, la legendaria Atlántida. Para ello se ha construido un laboratorio dotado de la más avanzada tecnología, que les permite penetrar en la corteza terrestre hasta más de tres kilómetros de profundidad.
Para Crane empieza una aventura escalofriante, en la que la ciencia puntera se confunde con las pesadillas más siniestras… y quizá no totalmente imposibles.
  Natt90 | Feb 13, 2023 |
an entertaining, quick read. ( )
  btbell_lt | Aug 1, 2022 |
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It took a certain kind of man, Kevin Lindengood decided, to work an oil rig.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Fiction. Science Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this explosive thriller, one of the most incredible and frightening discoveries mankind has ever faced is about to surface.
On an oil platform in the middle of the North Atlantic, a terrifying series of illnesses is spreading through the crew. When expert naval doctor Peter Crane is flown in, he finds his real destination is not the platform itself but Deep Storm: a top secret aquatic science facility, two miles below on the ocean floor. And as Crane soon learns, the covert operation he finds there is concealing something far more sinister than a medical mystery—and much more deadly.


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