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The Boyfriend Mess

di Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne

Serie: Sweet Valley Twins (114)

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Valentine's Day at SVMS has everyone seeing red! It's Valentine's Day and Sweet Valley is being treated to the dance of the decade, courtesy of Young Love, the hottest dating game show on TV.  But although the music is cool and the decorations are great, the couples at the dance are totally bizarre. Jessica Wakefield and her identical twin, Elizabeth, switched identities for the dating game.  Now Jessica's trapped in a date with her sister's sort-of-boyfriend, Todd Wilkins, who doesn't even suspect that he's with the wrong girl!  Janet Howell is stuck with super geek Donald Zwerling, thanks to Young Love.  Maria Slater is actually psyched to be with Patrick Morris, but he only has eyes for Sophia Rizzo.  Everyone's with the wrong partner!  Can they find true romance before this night to remember becomes a night to forget?… (altro)
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Valentine's Day at SVMS has everyone seeing red!
It's Valentine's Day and Sweet Valley is being treated to the dance of the decade, courtesy of Young Love, the hottest dating game show on TV. But although the music is cool and the decorations are great, the couples at the dance are totally bizarre.

Jessica Wakefield and her identical twin, Elizabeth, switched identities for the dating game. Now Jessica's trapped in a date with her sister's sort-of-boyfriend, Todd Wilkins, who doesn't even suspect that he's with the wrong girl! Janet Howell is stuck with super geek Donald Zwerling, thanks to Young Love. Maria Slater is actually psyched to be with Patrick Morris, but he only has eyes for Sophia Rizzo. Everyone's with the wrong partner! Can they find true romance before this night to remember becomes a night to forget? ( )
  mrsdanaalbasha | Mar 12, 2016 |
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Francine Pascalautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Suzanne, Jamieautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato

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To Coral Cuthbersan
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You should be happy, Jessica Wakefield told herself as she leaned gloomily against the high concrete wall in the Sweet Valley Middle School parking lot.
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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Valentine's Day at SVMS has everyone seeing red! It's Valentine's Day and Sweet Valley is being treated to the dance of the decade, courtesy of Young Love, the hottest dating game show on TV.  But although the music is cool and the decorations are great, the couples at the dance are totally bizarre. Jessica Wakefield and her identical twin, Elizabeth, switched identities for the dating game.  Now Jessica's trapped in a date with her sister's sort-of-boyfriend, Todd Wilkins, who doesn't even suspect that he's with the wrong girl!  Janet Howell is stuck with super geek Donald Zwerling, thanks to Young Love.  Maria Slater is actually psyched to be with Patrick Morris, but he only has eyes for Sophia Rizzo.  Everyone's with the wrong partner!  Can they find true romance before this night to remember becomes a night to forget?

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