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Without a Net: The Female Experience of…
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Without a Net: The Female Experience of Growing Up Working Class (Live Girls) (edizione 2004)

di Michelle Tea

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2322120,368 (4.14)1
An urgent testament to the trials of life for women living without a financial safety net Indie icon Michelle Tea--whose memoir The Chelsea Whistle details her own working-class roots in gritty Chelsea, Massachusetts--shares these fierce, honest, tender essays written by women who can't go home to the suburbs when ends don't meet. When jobs are scarce and the money has dwindled, these writers have nowhere to go but below the poverty line. The writers offer their different stories not for sympathy or sadness, but an unvarnished portrait of how it was, is, and will be for generations of women growing up working class in America. These wide-ranging essays cover everything from selling blood for grocery money to the culture shock of "jumping" class. Contributors include Dorothy Allison, Bee Lavender, Eileen Myles, and Daisy Hernández.… (altro)
Titolo:Without a Net: The Female Experience of Growing Up Working Class (Live Girls)
Autori:Michelle Tea
Info:Seal Press (2004), Paperback, 256 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:labor and class, gender studies

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Without a Net: The Female Experience of Growing Up Working Class di Michelle Tea

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This is a collection of writings by women who grew up on the margins of society. There is much to think about and realize. I grew up without money or health insurance but there was some stolidity to our family life that kept us from despair (at least as children).
  sara_k | Oct 6, 2007 |
As someone who grew up, and still considers herself, working class, this anthology meant so much to me. Many books chronicle "the female experience" from a white, middle-class, suburban point-of-view, and I never really find myself in those books. Too often I find myself thinking, "It's not that way at all." I never felt women's perceived helplessness, or victimization. I just felt survive, survive, survive.

The essays in this book tackle the double-shot of being among the working poor, plus the sexism women face on a daily basis. I'd recommend it to anyone who feels left out of contemporary, middle-class feminism. ( )
2 vota kperfetto | Jul 29, 2007 |
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Michelle Teaautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Allison, DorothyCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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An urgent testament to the trials of life for women living without a financial safety net Indie icon Michelle Tea--whose memoir The Chelsea Whistle details her own working-class roots in gritty Chelsea, Massachusetts--shares these fierce, honest, tender essays written by women who can't go home to the suburbs when ends don't meet. When jobs are scarce and the money has dwindled, these writers have nowhere to go but below the poverty line. The writers offer their different stories not for sympathy or sadness, but an unvarnished portrait of how it was, is, and will be for generations of women growing up working class in America. These wide-ranging essays cover everything from selling blood for grocery money to the culture shock of "jumping" class. Contributors include Dorothy Allison, Bee Lavender, Eileen Myles, and Daisy Hernández.

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