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Enchant Me

di Red Phoenix

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Serie: Brie's Submission (10)

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Romance meets wicked funAfter the wedding of the century, Brie is whisked off to begin her honeymoon. She falls madly in love with the romance of the city, enjoying the delights of its secret BDSM society. Brie is then transported to the wickedness of the isle, where Master will play out his own private fantasies... But Fate is a cruel mistress the two must fight. Will they survive the approaching Darkness that seeks to destroy them?… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daLibrary_Breeder, Hanneri, timjdarling
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This book is hard to shelve because I don't want to give anything away. However, Brie and Sir have married and are on their honeymoon, having a great time (in a nicer way of saying) having sex with intent.

The book takes them from Venice to Fiji on their honeymoon, then home.

Let's put it this way, no series with multiple books doesn't have conflict, struggles and drama. This is a new series, and we have already been through the relationship drama, the family drama, and the story of training in the Submission Center. So a new conflict/struggle needs to be made apparent in the first book of the series. It does here. However, it is a great book, and sets up the series for a new storyline.

One thing I did note after reading this and the next few books, I realized that everyone wants to get with Brie. She is the epitome of the "golden pussy". It kind of gets tiring when everyone she has ever got with still wants to get with her. Apparently Brie knows how to pull them in. Oh, well, she can be forgiven because she has no other flaws, unless being unable to cook is one of them.

This is a book, this is meant to entertain. It isn't supposed to be taken seriously. Its ok if the heroine's only flaws is the instability to cook. I still love her. ( )
  Library_Breeder | Apr 28, 2023 |
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Red Phoenixautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Jayne, PippaReaderautore principalealcune edizioniconfermato

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Romance meets wicked funAfter the wedding of the century, Brie is whisked off to begin her honeymoon. She falls madly in love with the romance of the city, enjoying the delights of its secret BDSM society. Brie is then transported to the wickedness of the isle, where Master will play out his own private fantasies... But Fate is a cruel mistress the two must fight. Will they survive the approaching Darkness that seeks to destroy them?

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