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Then She Was Gone: A Novel di Lisa Jewell
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Then She Was Gone: A Novel (originale 2018; edizione 2018)

di Lisa Jewell (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
4,3941692,759 (3.84)54
"Ten years after her teenage daughter disappears, a woman crosses paths with a charming single father whose young child feels eerily familiar, in this evocative, suspenseful drama from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jewell--perfect for fans of Paula Hawkins and Liane Moriarty. Ellie Mack was the perfect daughter. She was fifteen, the youngest of three. She was beloved by her parents, friends, and teachers. She and her boyfriend made a teenaged golden couple. She was days away from an idyllic post-exams summer vacation, with her whole life ahead of her. And then she was gone. Now, her mother Laurel Mack is trying to put her life back together. It's been ten years since her daughter disappeared, seven years since her marriage ended, and only months since the last clue in Ellie's case was unearthed. So when she meets an unexpectedly charming man in a cafe, no one is more surprised than Laurel at how quickly their flirtation develops into something deeper. Before she knows it, she's meeting Floyd's daughters--and his youngest, Poppy, takes Laurel's breath away. Because looking at Poppy is like looking at Ellie. And now, the unanswered questions she's tried so hard to put to rest begin to haunt Laurel anew. Where did Ellie go? Did she really run away from home, as the police have long suspected, or was there a more sinister reason for her disappearance? Who is Floyd, really? And why does his daughter remind Laurel so viscerally of her own missing girl?"--… (altro)
Titolo:Then She Was Gone: A Novel
Autori:Lisa Jewell (Autore)
Info:Atria Books (2018), Edition: Reprint, 384 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:2020 Books Read

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Ellie all'improvviso di Lisa Jewell (2018)

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» Vedi le 54 citazioni

How to even rate this. I don’t know. It’s odd. The writing was very fast paced and just...good. I found myself not realizing I’d just read 100 pages at a stretch. On the other hand, this book is just so... gloomy. I found it left a bad taste. And I like Gillian Flynn novels and read plenty of mysteries, but this one felt worse somehow. I think a big part of that “ickiness” I felt was the lack of a real story, of characters really making decisions that drive the story as you read. I knew everything that was going to happen a few chapters in. This really didn’t have the twists I enjoy from a beach read like this, which was frustrating when there is nothing else remarkable to chew on. I will say, one character reminds me so much of Annie from Stephen King’s Misery. I’d be shocked if the author hadn’t read it. Also, I cringed with just how many times the name of Our Lord was used as an insult. ( )
  stefanielozinski | Aug 17, 2024 |
Wow.. just wow! I've been hearing talk about this book on Facebook and around the blogosphere, but honestly, as a mother of 2 teen girls, I was wary of picking it up. I am always hesitant to read any psychological thrillers, normally I end up not liking them, or figuring out the "culprit" early on and then it's all meh to me. But this book caught me off guard, I had an inkling of an idea of what happened.
There were so many twists for me in this book. I stayed interested and couldn't put it down until I knew exactly what happened.

The story and writing kept me needing to know what was in the next chapter and what exactly had happened to poor Ellie. ( )
  chaoticmel | May 18, 2024 |
Unsolved cold case mystery. Characters with obsessive love disorders or neurotic personality traits. Sinister plot. Predictable. ( )
  Headinherbooks_27 | Apr 20, 2024 |
Those months, the months before she disappeared, were the best months. Really. Just the best. Every moment presented itself to her like a gift and said, Here I am, another perfect moment, just look at me, can you believe how lovely I am? Every morning was a flurry of mascara and butterflies, quickening pulse as she neared the school gates, blooming joy as her eyes found him. School was no longer a cage, it was the bustling, spotlight film set for her love story.
  taurus27 | Apr 16, 2024 |
Then She Was Gone had the makings of a fantastic book, and it was, mostly.

Extremely well-written, good plot, nicely defined characters, and overall I have nothing to point a finger at - but it just wasn’t a home run, maybe more like a triple.

Ms. Jewell is an incredibly accomplished author, and I only wish to be anywhere near her status, but from a reader’s perspective, Then She Was Gone just didn’t feel original enough to pique my interest to a ten, eight point five, maybe.

I would recommend this book for really anyone looking for a good thriller, just don’t expect to remember it for years to come. ( )
  LyndaWolters1 | Apr 3, 2024 |
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Wikipedia in inglese


"Ten years after her teenage daughter disappears, a woman crosses paths with a charming single father whose young child feels eerily familiar, in this evocative, suspenseful drama from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jewell--perfect for fans of Paula Hawkins and Liane Moriarty. Ellie Mack was the perfect daughter. She was fifteen, the youngest of three. She was beloved by her parents, friends, and teachers. She and her boyfriend made a teenaged golden couple. She was days away from an idyllic post-exams summer vacation, with her whole life ahead of her. And then she was gone. Now, her mother Laurel Mack is trying to put her life back together. It's been ten years since her daughter disappeared, seven years since her marriage ended, and only months since the last clue in Ellie's case was unearthed. So when she meets an unexpectedly charming man in a cafe, no one is more surprised than Laurel at how quickly their flirtation develops into something deeper. Before she knows it, she's meeting Floyd's daughters--and his youngest, Poppy, takes Laurel's breath away. Because looking at Poppy is like looking at Ellie. And now, the unanswered questions she's tried so hard to put to rest begin to haunt Laurel anew. Where did Ellie go? Did she really run away from home, as the police have long suspected, or was there a more sinister reason for her disappearance? Who is Floyd, really? And why does his daughter remind Laurel so viscerally of her own missing girl?"--

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Media: (3.84)
1 9
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3 167
3.5 45
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5 175

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