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Jingle All the Way [Anthology 4-in-1]

di Fern Michaels (Collaboratore)

Altri autori: Theresa Alan (Collaboratore), Jane Blackwood (Collaboratore), Linda Lael Miller (Collaboratore)

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1392203,483 (3.5)1
Fiction. Literature. Short Stories. HTML:Feeling the chill of winter? Then grab a glass of egg nog, take a seat by the yule log, and warm yourself heart and soul with these four captivating tales of passion that make mistletoe seem so unnecessary...

A Bright Red Ribbon Fern Michaels
Being dumped by your boyfriend on Christmas Eve has got to be the worst. Still, Morgan Ames promised she'd wait two Christmases for his return -- tonight -- and she always keeps her promises. But a sudden snowstorm has other ideas, including a romantic turn Morgan never imagined...

The 24 Days of Christmas Linda Lael Miller
A matchbox advent calendar first brought Frank Rayner and Addie Hutton together. But that was years ago. There's no way the miracles of Christmas -- and the magic of true love -- could possibly be hidden under one of its tiny flaps. Or could they?

Santa Unwrapped Theresa Alan
When Aimee Lachaussee offers to drive three volunteer Santas to a children's hospital, she finds herself stranded in a bar with two really obnoxious playboys -- and the quiet, hunky, wheelchair-bound Ryan, who's about to show Aimee that the very best presents come in unexpected packages...

Maybe This Christmas Jane Blackwood
Laura Randall thinks life has passed her by, until a Christmas angel grants her wish to live one, important, destiny-shaping Christmas over. Now that she's got her second chance, can she manage this time to hold on to the love that got away...?

While the weather outside is frightful, unwrap a gift of your own, and delight in these sparkling stories of holiday romance!.
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Great collection of holiday short stories! These all had a great dose of candy canes and holiday pageants, putting us all the way at 5 gingerbread men on the cheer scale. I loved all of these, and especially the inclusive messages, like the first story by Theresa Alan which featured a romance which started with a volunteer trip to the hospital to play elves and Santa. The chemistry was cute and I loved the disabled rep. Yay for complex, sexy heroes in wheelchairs! And the third story by Linda Miller, we have a second-chance romance in a small town where a divorced stepmother proves that it’s choice and love that form families as she makes the holidays merry for two adorable kids.

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader. ( )
  KatKinney | Mar 3, 2022 |
A Bright Red Ribbon:
Loved the start, but by the middle I was sick of it. Had to force myself to finish it

The 24 Days of Christmas:
This one was really cute. :) loved the kids in the story, and it ended sweet.

Santa Unwrapped:
Story was cute, but the writing was jumpy and repetitious.

Maybe This Christmas:
I liked the outcome and thought it was full of faith and hope. A good Christmas message. :) ( )
  DreamingInFiction | Feb 11, 2009 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Michaels, FernCollaboratoreautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Alan, TheresaCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Blackwood, JaneCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Miller, Linda LaelCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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Santa Unwrapped:
Have you ever longed for something so much, every fiber in your being is consumed with desire and yearning?
Maybe This Christmas:
Other than the elephant on her chest, Laura was just fine and dandy.
The 24 Days of Christmas :
The snow, as much a Thanksgiving leftover as the cold turkey in the sandwich Frank Raynor had packed for lunch, lay in tattered, dirty patches on the frozen ground.
A Bright Red Ribbon:
Even in her dream, Morgan Ames knew she was dreaming, knew she was gong to wake with tears on her pillow and reality slapping her in the face.
Ultime parole
Nota di disambiguazione
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Please do not combine individual stories with the complete anthology. This is important because many of the stories are available in multiple anthologies, and also as single titles.

Anthology contains:
Santa Unwrapped by Theresa Alan
Maybe This Christmas by Jane Blackwood
The 24 Days of Christmas by Linda Lael Miller
A Bright Red Ribbon by Fern Michaels

All short stories are original to this edition, except A Bright Red Ribbon by Fern Michaels (© 1995)

The 24 Days of Christmas by Linda Lael Miller is also in following anthologies:

Deck the Halls
No Place Like Home

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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese


Fiction. Literature. Short Stories. HTML:Feeling the chill of winter? Then grab a glass of egg nog, take a seat by the yule log, and warm yourself heart and soul with these four captivating tales of passion that make mistletoe seem so unnecessary...

A Bright Red Ribbon Fern Michaels
Being dumped by your boyfriend on Christmas Eve has got to be the worst. Still, Morgan Ames promised she'd wait two Christmases for his return -- tonight -- and she always keeps her promises. But a sudden snowstorm has other ideas, including a romantic turn Morgan never imagined...

The 24 Days of Christmas Linda Lael Miller
A matchbox advent calendar first brought Frank Rayner and Addie Hutton together. But that was years ago. There's no way the miracles of Christmas -- and the magic of true love -- could possibly be hidden under one of its tiny flaps. Or could they?

Santa Unwrapped Theresa Alan
When Aimee Lachaussee offers to drive three volunteer Santas to a children's hospital, she finds herself stranded in a bar with two really obnoxious playboys -- and the quiet, hunky, wheelchair-bound Ryan, who's about to show Aimee that the very best presents come in unexpected packages...

Maybe This Christmas Jane Blackwood
Laura Randall thinks life has passed her by, until a Christmas angel grants her wish to live one, important, destiny-shaping Christmas over. Now that she's got her second chance, can she manage this time to hold on to the love that got away...?

While the weather outside is frightful, unwrap a gift of your own, and delight in these sparkling stories of holiday romance!.

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