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Thunderherd, The

di Kathi Appelt

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As a thunderstorm rushes down from the mountains, a lone mustang shows the strength and speed of its ancestors as it races across the grassy prairie.
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Loved this book since so many reasons although the one reason that I didn't like was the mention of the buffalo. Sorry to say that wasn't a buffalo that you picture and if you are going to use the term at least put American buffalo, which is still wrong.

Anyway the story is a giant book for children that allows them to be introduced to an abbreviated history of the horse in the culture of the United States and its importance in the history. What makes it more enjoyable to the reading audience is the creative way that the history is provided to the reader.

There is a herd of mustangs enjoying the nice grass before some mountains when the lead stallion who is the guide of our story brings our sight to the Thunderherd (before our own scientific knowing this is something our own ancestors may have created). As the herd comes flowing down from their rocky home the following clouds are formed into a history lesson that follows the reading of the beautiful poetic words.

The reading is short, easy to understand and with its musical tones children will love it. And the beautiful pictures will make it a treasure for children who just may want to sit back and enjoy the gorgeous pictures of the quick angry thunderstorm of the plains..... ( )
  flamingrosedrakon | Aug 25, 2015 |
A lone mustang joins with a wild herd as it runs down the mountainside to a grassy prairie.
  peacelutheran | Jun 13, 2011 |
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As a thunderstorm rushes down from the mountains, a lone mustang shows the strength and speed of its ancestors as it races across the grassy prairie.

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