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An Act of Obsession

di K. C. Lynn

Serie: Acts of Honor (3)

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She's beautiful yet scarred beyond repair. He's powerful and lethal, in and out of the ring. One act of kindness brought Sophie Parish far more danger than she could have ever imagined. Now she's on the run, leaving behind her family and the only dream she's ever had. Retired EFC fighter Kolan Slade's life has been one endless battle after another. He has a dark past with an even darker desire-the only one he's ever known. Until he meets her. Intrigued by her raw beauty and the secrets she's trying to hide, Kolan craves to know who she is and what she's running from. Protecting her becomes his obsession and he'll sacrifice it all to save her. But in the end her love will have him questioning himself and everything he thought he knew. Contains mature themes.… (altro)
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4.5 stars

This book is my favorite of this series so far. Suspense galore, fantastic characters as well as growth within the characters, riveting plot, and chemistry up the whahoo. I liked that the author took this spin on it in regards to Sophie believing in Kolan when so many that new him were quick to let the rumors be what they saw. It also was nice to see Sophie feel safe again.

Still great secondary appearances from all my favorite past characters. This truly is a special collection of books. ( )
  MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
An Act of Obsession
KC Lynn

I gobble up Lynn's books! Seriously, they are usually the type of books I simply cannot put down. They always have a good balance of heat, romance, and danger. I have been looking forward to Sophie and Kolan's story and I wasn't disappointed.

Sophie has a crazy stalker. Like-a legit psychopath. You will get the backstory in pieces as you read and its crazy scary because its so believable. If you read the previous books in the series, you already know Kolan's back story (shitty parents, framed for rape). Sophie meets Kolan when she comes in for self defense lessons. Their relationship is a bit of a dance-Sophie is obviously skittish; Kolan has a need for control and previously spent a LOT of time in a BDSM club. So, they are attracted to each other but unsure. It was great to see Sophie slowly open up and trust people to help her. It was also great to see Kolan let his guard down a bit and let go of some of the anger that has been eating him up.

Every time I said "Oh, I will stop here for the night" I didn't. I couldn't stop. You know what will happen-its pretty obvious-but you don't know exactly HOW it will all go down so you are still engaged in wanting to know. Kolan kind of does something dumb at the end as well, which pissed me off and diminished my love of him a bit. Its resolved quickly, but I still wanted to choke him.


  • POV: Dual

  • Tears: a few when hearing Sophie's story

  • Trope: on the run

  • Triggers: Stalkers

  • Series/Standalone: Series (while you could read this as a stand alone, you won't really understand the dynamic of all the characters if you haven't read all the books)

  • Cliffhanger: no

  • HEA: Yes, Kolan and Sophie stay in town and there is a VERY satisfying epilogue!

[rating stars="four-stars"][icon-tags]

When I'm With You by Harper Sloan, Clutch by L. Wilder, Until June by Aurora Rose Reynolds...then you will probably like An Act of Obsession!

Acts of Honor Series

Men of Honor Series

( )
  thebookdisciple | Oct 9, 2018 |
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She's beautiful yet scarred beyond repair. He's powerful and lethal, in and out of the ring. One act of kindness brought Sophie Parish far more danger than she could have ever imagined. Now she's on the run, leaving behind her family and the only dream she's ever had. Retired EFC fighter Kolan Slade's life has been one endless battle after another. He has a dark past with an even darker desire-the only one he's ever known. Until he meets her. Intrigued by her raw beauty and the secrets she's trying to hide, Kolan craves to know who she is and what she's running from. Protecting her becomes his obsession and he'll sacrifice it all to save her. But in the end her love will have him questioning himself and everything he thought he knew. Contains mature themes.

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