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The Clockwork Alice

di DeAnna Knippling

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After the looking-glass...Comes the clockwork!Wonderland, built on the back of a giant clock, is winding down, and only Alice can rewind it.But between her and the winding-key is a war between Wonderlanders, none of whom wish to be slaves to the clockwork any longer.Who will win? Will Alice find her way to the key?Or will an older version of Alice, the dull and boring grown-up one, find a way to stop her?For fans of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, a terrifying and wonder-filled new adventure!Get it now!… (altro)
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I really enjoyed All the Retros at the New Cotton Club, so i was really happy to discover that Deanna's also wrote some "Alice and Wonderland" stuff.

Instead of the fun clockwork story about Alice and all things Wonderland that i was expecting, i found a story heavily biased towards the real life of Alice Liddell and her relationship with Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll): this story is set several years after Charles' death.

I'm not going to get into my views about Dodgson here, this is about DeAnna's views, and she does a fairly good job of brushing over things (sweeping them under the carpet) and tidy things up in making a story out of Alice's and Charles' final years.   Although, to be honest, i think that DeAnna just makes things worse: i'm left with the opinion that this story could be a nice little dose of Streisand effect for a lot of its readers.

And for those of you feeling the effects of Streisand, you can begin at Wikipedia.

All that aside, it's a fairly good read, and a must for all Alice and Wonderland fans: just expect it to be more about Alice reminiscing, through thoughts and dreams of Wonderland, than a pure Wonderland adventure.   Sadly, there's a few typos that detract on occasion, and that are so obvious they should have been easily fixed before publishing.

Final words, other than those few annoying typos, DeAnna's a very good writer.   The Queen of Stilled Hearts is in "The Pile" and i'm looking forward to giving that a read soon. ( )
  5t4n5 | Aug 9, 2023 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
This enchanting story picks up some years after Lewis Carroll's stories, with Alice all grown up and pondering what-might-have-beens. Alice in Wonderland is one of my favourite books and Knippling does a good job of mimicking Carroll's style and the twisted quirkiness of Wonderland. There are plenty of new characters and locations to explore, which fit right into the existing world, blending with seemingly effortless dream-logic. However, this is a more adult version than the original, with some disturbing scenes and violence. There is also a bittersweet note to the story, a sense of nostalgia and things lost. While it may be true that you can never go back, sometimes revisiting can still be fun.

Summary: Recommended to lovers of Wonderland.

Disclaimer: I received this book in via LibraryThing in exchange for a fair review. ( )
  SukiSu | Jun 10, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
I was pleasantly surprised by this book! When I read the cover that it was a continuation to the world of wonderland, I was concerned that it would not do the legend justice or characters would fall short.

I was not disappointed, there were twists and turns and amazing ideas and plot shifts that kept your brain from settling on the final answer and ending to all of your questions until the very end. You saw some of your favourite characters as well, which is always an added bonus ;).

It was a wonderfully pleasant read and wildly inventive.

Thank you for letting me review it! ( )
  Elly88 | May 14, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
The author has a wonderful grasp of the literary style of Lewis Carroll. This story was a delight to read, despite the minor spelling errors. This return to Wonderland is like a new Carroll book with all of its quirks and nonsense. It's like visiting an old friend after many years only to discover you have both grown, but are still very much the same!

I received this eBook from a LibraryThing giveaway in exchange for a review. ( )
  Caitlin.Dionne | May 7, 2017 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
I received this book in a giveaway here on Library Thing. Thanks so much to the author. I wanted to like this and I tried, I really did. I just don't think this is my genre. I found it confusing and just couldn't get into it at all. Did not finish. ( )
  Crystal423 | May 6, 2017 |
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After the looking-glass...Comes the clockwork!Wonderland, built on the back of a giant clock, is winding down, and only Alice can rewind it.But between her and the winding-key is a war between Wonderlanders, none of whom wish to be slaves to the clockwork any longer.Who will win? Will Alice find her way to the key?Or will an older version of Alice, the dull and boring grown-up one, find a way to stop her?For fans of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, a terrifying and wonder-filled new adventure!Get it now!

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