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The Furthest Station (Peter Grant, #5.7) di…
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The Furthest Station (Peter Grant, #5.7) (edizione 2017)

di Ben Aaronovitch

Serie: Rivers of London (Novella, 5.5)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,0934619,316 (3.88)62
Fantasy. Fiction. Mystery. There have been ghosts on the London Underground, sad, harmless specters whose presence does little more than give a frisson to traveling and boost tourism. But now there's a rash of sightings on the Metropolitan Line and these ghosts are frightening, aggressive, and seem to be looking for something. Enter PC Peter Grant, junior member of the Metropolitan Police's Special Assessment Unit, AKA The Folly, AKA the only police officers whose official duties include ghost hunting. Together with Jaget Kumar, his counterpart at the British Transport Police, he must brave the terrifying crush of London's rush hour to find the source of the ghosts. Joined by Peter's wannabe wizard cousin, a preschool river god, and Toby the ghost hunting dog, their investigation takes a darker tone as they realize that a real person's life might just be on the line. And time is running out to save them.… (altro)
Titolo:The Furthest Station (Peter Grant, #5.7)
Autori:Ben Aaronovitch
Info:Gollancz, Kindle Edition, 144 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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The Furthest Station di Ben Aaronovitch

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» Vedi le 62 citazioni

It was pleasing to get a brief glimpse into the Rivers of London universe in this cheery novella, although it didn’t tackle any of the plot fallout from [b:The Hanging Tree|21479290|The Hanging Tree (Peter Grant, #6)|Ben Aaronovitch||40801856]. It’s like a stand alone special in a serial: mysterious ghostly happenings on the Metropolitan Line have Peter and co investigating. Given my soft spot for public transport, this setting naturally appealed. As the book is only just over a hundred pages, there aren’t many twists, but a fun time is had by all. I liked the inclusion of Abigail in the investigation, as it takes place during school holidays, and Peter’s continued insistence on judging architecture. (I would love it if he got sent to Milton Keynes on some pretext, as his commentary would be very entertaining.) Nightingale, meanwhile, gets to show off his wall-demolition and shoe-shining skills. ‘The Furthest Station’ is an amusing interlude and chance to catch up with the characters, but of course you can’t expect a full Rivers of London instalment squashed into such a small space. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
Short but entertaining story in the usual wry and amusing style of this series. Ghosts appear to passengers....who then lose all memory of their conversation. Clearly a case for the Falcon Unit. ( )
  piemouth | Jul 9, 2024 |
This novella is part of Aaronovitch's Rivers of London series. It's set sometime after Foxglove Summer and the previous novella What Abigail Did That Summer, and it features an investigation into sightings of ghosts on London commuter trains.

Honestly, this is another series that I always sort of want to like more than I actually do. I find its blend of urban fantasy and police procedural interesting, but the police procedural parts turn out to generally be less interesting to me in practice than in theory. I did really like the supernatural elements in this one, though, even if the plot (unsurprisingly, considering the length) is very slight. ( )
  bragan | May 29, 2024 |
Satisfying books to read. ( )
  caedocyon | Feb 23, 2024 |
Fun. ( )
  Kiramke | Jun 27, 2023 |
nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione

» Aggiungi altri autori (9 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Ben Aaronovitchautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Holdbrook-Smith, KobnaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Walters, StephenImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Rivers of London (Novella, 5.5)
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Fantasy. Fiction. Mystery. There have been ghosts on the London Underground, sad, harmless specters whose presence does little more than give a frisson to traveling and boost tourism. But now there's a rash of sightings on the Metropolitan Line and these ghosts are frightening, aggressive, and seem to be looking for something. Enter PC Peter Grant, junior member of the Metropolitan Police's Special Assessment Unit, AKA The Folly, AKA the only police officers whose official duties include ghost hunting. Together with Jaget Kumar, his counterpart at the British Transport Police, he must brave the terrifying crush of London's rush hour to find the source of the ghosts. Joined by Peter's wannabe wizard cousin, a preschool river god, and Toby the ghost hunting dog, their investigation takes a darker tone as they realize that a real person's life might just be on the line. And time is running out to save them.

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Media: (3.88)
1 1
1.5 1
2 4
2.5 5
3 64
3.5 51
4 144
4.5 14
5 62

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