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Battle of the Bulbs

di Shannyn Leah

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632,699,166 (4.5)Nessuno
"Cheyenne Collins's past has just come back to haunt her. Again. She runs to the sanctuary of her grandmother's home in Willow Valley in the hopes of spending the Christmas holiday in a quiet, safe place. What she doesn't expect is for her ex, Booker Banks, to also be in town. Right next door, in fact, visiting his grandfather. Instead of the quiet, peaceful holiday Cheyenne envisioned, she must deal with cranky, bickering neighbors, an instigating niece, the emotions she feels for Booker and her past. As her and Booker began to repair their relationship, she fears he will run again, too. Will she be able to make him stay this time despite the secrets she is hiding in her past? And when her abusive mother shows up on the scene, will Cheyenne finally take a stand or will she be the one to run?"… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daKathyC200, Pam50627, roshaw80, SheriAWilkinson
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Booker & Cheyenne were in a relationship when a secret about Cheyenne's past came out. Instead of realizing it was painful & she couldn't talk about it, Booker left, leaving her behind. Cheyenne had to deal with the fallout & the damage to her charity by herself. When she went to visit her Grandmother for the holidays, she found Booker living in the duplex beside her. Little did she know that her troubles had followed her home to Willow Valley.

I love Eddie & Millie!! Their bickering & fighting sounds so much like little kids. It added humor & a light side to the book. Lily added some teenage sarcasm & reality.

I confess, I was ready to dislike Booker for running out on Cheyenne when she needed someone to support her & look after her. He redeemed himself for being there when she needed him in Willow Valley & for not letting her shove him away. Cheyenne was broken & still working through her past. Part of her secret becoming public knowledge set her back to where she couldn't trust anyone.

This one had it all - secrets, betrayal, angst, love, passion, humor. The story hits all of your emotional buttons. The narrative was descriptive & the reader was able to picture the horrible Christmas decorations & the house damage perfectly in their mind. I can't wait for the next in this series! ( )
  Pam50627 | Sep 20, 2017 |
Battle of the Bulbs (Holidays in Willow Valley Book 1) by Shannyn Leah

Cheyenne goes to her Grandmother's house in Willow Valley for Christmas. She hopes to have a relaxing and enjoyable Holiday and try to forget her past. But she does not expect her ex Booker to be right next door, visiting his Grandfather. Soon she has to face her past, deal with her feelings for Booker and decided what is important for her to live a happy life.

A fast paced emotional read, with secrets, love and laughter. Cheyenne is very likable, she has a lot going on in her life. Well written with engaging dialog, I was pulled right into Cheyenne's world. I really enjoyed Battle of the Bulbsand intend to read more by Shannyn Leah. ( )
  SheriAWilkinson | Apr 22, 2017 |
Battle of the Bulbs (Holidays in Willow Valley Book 1) by Shannyn Leah

Cheyenne goes to her Grandmother's house in Willow Valley for Christmas. She hopes to have a relaxing and enjoyable Holiday and try to forget her past. But she does not expect her ex Booker to be right next door, visiting his Grandfather. Soon she has to face her past, deal with her feelings for Booker and decided what is important for her to live a happy life.

A fast paced emotional read, with secrets, love and laughter. Cheyenne is very likable, she has a lot going on in her life. Well written with engaging dialog, I was pulled right into Cheyenne's world. I really enjoyed Battle of the Bulbs and intend to read more by Shannyn Leah. ( )
  SheriAWilkinson | Mar 24, 2017 |
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"Cheyenne Collins's past has just come back to haunt her. Again. She runs to the sanctuary of her grandmother's home in Willow Valley in the hopes of spending the Christmas holiday in a quiet, safe place. What she doesn't expect is for her ex, Booker Banks, to also be in town. Right next door, in fact, visiting his grandfather. Instead of the quiet, peaceful holiday Cheyenne envisioned, she must deal with cranky, bickering neighbors, an instigating niece, the emotions she feels for Booker and her past. As her and Booker began to repair their relationship, she fears he will run again, too. Will she be able to make him stay this time despite the secrets she is hiding in her past? And when her abusive mother shows up on the scene, will Cheyenne finally take a stand or will she be the one to run?"

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