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The Daniel Code: Living Out Truth in a Culture That Is Losing Its Way

di O. S. Hawkins

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How can we learn to be effective culture warriors?   We live in dangerous times. Not only does violence stalk us in the form of terrorism and crime, but our culture itself is crumbling. Our society tolerates and even praises what would once have been barely spoken of. If we stand up we are branded as intolerant, the term today's culture considers the inexcusable offense.  If we don't speak up, people won't know biblical truth.  How is a Christian to respond?   Inspired by the story of Daniel in the Old Testament, bestselling author O.S. Hawkins shows how we can engage our broken culture with integrity. Daniel was a young man who "wrote the book" on how to survive in a pagan, permissive, and perverse culture.  His value system was challenged at every turn.   Daniel steps off the pages of scripture and into our modern culture today to reveal some timeless principles--a sort of "Daniel Code"--that enable you to not simply exist in our culture but to engage it and survive it as well. You will discover that the same God that ensured Daniel's victories is here for you today.… (altro)
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Known for his "code" books, author O. S. Hawkins brings us the latest in his code books: The Daniel Code.

Using the book of Daniel from the Bible as a guide, the author draws comparisons between the time that Daniel went through and that of present day. Are things as bad as they seem? If yes, what can we do about it? Daniel is an amazing example of a truly faithful servant from his diet to his worship to his faith. How can we use that example in our own lives? While the book is a great idea, I felt that a lot of it kept repeating the same idea over and over again. Perhaps the assumption is that saying it multiple times, different ways will sink in better? Regardless of that one issue, the book is overall good and gives the reader inspiration to return to the book of Daniel. The book itself is small, easy enough to tuck into a bag or purse and take on the go. A great read while traveling or even when waiting at the doctor's office. This would make a great gift for any adult reader. ( )
  santaflash | Jan 2, 2018 |
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How can we learn to be effective culture warriors?   We live in dangerous times. Not only does violence stalk us in the form of terrorism and crime, but our culture itself is crumbling. Our society tolerates and even praises what would once have been barely spoken of. If we stand up we are branded as intolerant, the term today's culture considers the inexcusable offense.  If we don't speak up, people won't know biblical truth.  How is a Christian to respond?   Inspired by the story of Daniel in the Old Testament, bestselling author O.S. Hawkins shows how we can engage our broken culture with integrity. Daniel was a young man who "wrote the book" on how to survive in a pagan, permissive, and perverse culture.  His value system was challenged at every turn.   Daniel steps off the pages of scripture and into our modern culture today to reveal some timeless principles--a sort of "Daniel Code"--that enable you to not simply exist in our culture but to engage it and survive it as well. You will discover that the same God that ensured Daniel's victories is here for you today.

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