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The Mage Tarot (Mage: The Ascension)

di Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea

Serie: Mage the Ascension (Game Accessory)

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This collection of cards is worth it for the Mage-inspired artwork alone. Five different artists give their unique talents to four of the factions in the game, each taking one of the four character types: Technocracy for pentacles representing Stasis, Marauders for swords representing Dynamism, Nephandi for cups representing Primordial, The Traditions for staves representing Questing. The major arcana have their own artist as well. This really sets the various card types apart. There is an instruction booklet that tells you some traditional ways of using the Tarot, but what I found useful was tips on using the Mage Tarot for character creation and role playing plot ideas. I used them in this manner with very good results. Perhaps they will come out with something like this for the new incarnation of Mage featuring their current stable of artists.

Astute Mage: The Ascension fans will notice that a few cards that were featured on certain 1st Edition products were redone with different artists, which is a pity. I liked a few of the old ones. ( )
  cleverusername2 | Jun 25, 2007 |
I like the artwork but I haven't had much luck using them as actual tarot cards. ( )
  childofchaos | Oct 29, 2005 |
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Jackie Cassadaautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Rea, Nickyautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato

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Mage the Ascension (Game Accessory)
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