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Wonder of the World

di David Lindsay-Abaire

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522510,826 (3.9)Nessuno
Two years after Fuddy Meersfloored both audiences and critics, David Lindsay-Abaire followed up his debut hit with Wonder of the World, and had critics searching for new superlatives. The New York production featured knockout performances by Sarah Jessica Parker and Amy Sedaris. Ben Brantley, in the New York Timeswrote "clearly, Mr. Lindsay-Abaire hasn't lost his playfully wicked eye, equally appalled and affectionate . . . his style both embraces and spoofs the All-American appetite for spiritual lift, sitcom perkiness, and slimy tabloid prurience." A firm believer in destiny-and inspired by a Marilyn Monroe movie-Cass leaves her husband and boards a bus to Niagara Falls, where she hopes to meet the unknown man she believes herself fated to end up with. Along the way toward the inevitable climax on the brink of the waterfall, she checks items off her list of "things to do in life," and takes the audience on an often moving, always hilarious journey.… (altro)
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Didn't like this as much as Kimberly Akimbo, but still hilarious. Laughed out loud a few times. To be picky there were a couple of clunkers that surprised me and the ending was bit weak or I was too tired and trying to finish up the play before I went to sleep. ( )
  Mcdede | Jul 19, 2023 |
Niagara Falls is just like that. ( )
  hatingongodot | May 3, 2020 |
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Two years after Fuddy Meersfloored both audiences and critics, David Lindsay-Abaire followed up his debut hit with Wonder of the World, and had critics searching for new superlatives. The New York production featured knockout performances by Sarah Jessica Parker and Amy Sedaris. Ben Brantley, in the New York Timeswrote "clearly, Mr. Lindsay-Abaire hasn't lost his playfully wicked eye, equally appalled and affectionate . . . his style both embraces and spoofs the All-American appetite for spiritual lift, sitcom perkiness, and slimy tabloid prurience." A firm believer in destiny-and inspired by a Marilyn Monroe movie-Cass leaves her husband and boards a bus to Niagara Falls, where she hopes to meet the unknown man she believes herself fated to end up with. Along the way toward the inevitable climax on the brink of the waterfall, she checks items off her list of "things to do in life," and takes the audience on an often moving, always hilarious journey.

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