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World History Made Simple: Matching History with the Bible

di Ruth Beechick

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Is the study of history merely a collection of dates, events, and people? Or is there a way to tie it all together to make sense? How can students make sense of the sweep of history and put the individual parts into context? This book shows how. Using the Bible and it s timeline as the basis for this study, the main events of history are brought together in a meaningful way. The confusion of dating and time periods is sorted out as the flow of history is readily seen in this resource. Teens can study this book as a survey course in world history or plug it anywhere into their history curriculum. They will gain knowledge of history past and future, and form a biblical worldview to help with thinking about governments and contemporary issues. Adults can skip the student assignments and read through this unique approach to history. Because it follows the Bible, it solves a number of mysteries that other history books cannot solve. This is an excellent resource for families to use to study history together. Although some of the assignments may be too advanced for younger students, most elementary students could follow along as the material is read aloud and write simple summary statements. High school students should do research projects to add to the substance of the course. The issues raised in the last chapter concerning dating problems could provide the basis for these projects."… (altro)
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This book made me see history in a whole new and exciting way. It's written from a Christian perspective and is easy enough for a middle schooler to understand, but will challenge an adult's thinking as well. ( )
  JanuaryLove | Nov 17, 2008 |
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Is the study of history merely a collection of dates, events, and people? Or is there a way to tie it all together to make sense? How can students make sense of the sweep of history and put the individual parts into context? This book shows how. Using the Bible and it s timeline as the basis for this study, the main events of history are brought together in a meaningful way. The confusion of dating and time periods is sorted out as the flow of history is readily seen in this resource. Teens can study this book as a survey course in world history or plug it anywhere into their history curriculum. They will gain knowledge of history past and future, and form a biblical worldview to help with thinking about governments and contemporary issues. Adults can skip the student assignments and read through this unique approach to history. Because it follows the Bible, it solves a number of mysteries that other history books cannot solve. This is an excellent resource for families to use to study history together. Although some of the assignments may be too advanced for younger students, most elementary students could follow along as the material is read aloud and write simple summary statements. High school students should do research projects to add to the substance of the course. The issues raised in the last chapter concerning dating problems could provide the basis for these projects."

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