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Dark City (The Order of Shadows Book 1)

di Kit Hallows

Serie: Order of Shadows (1)

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Unleashed Magic. Secret Pasts. Hidden Worlds. Welcome to the Dark City. My name's Morgan Rook, Supernatural Detective, Undercover Agent, odd jobs man. Call it whatever you like. I take out the nightmares, demons and werewolves. The things that lurk in the shadows around you. Guys like us, we call them Nightkind. And here I was, set to quit this dark life and retire to sunnier climes, except for one final job. There's always one. This time a call to eliminate a cruel, rogue vampire, named Mr. Tudor. Simple right? Sure. Until the bodies started piling up in a new wave of vicious occult killings leading scarily close to my own front door. Sparking a series of deadly events that would make my years of fighting the NightKind look like a cakewalk. Add high octane chases across the city, a game of shadows and undead assassins all topped off by a trip into the terrifying world between worlds - the last place you'd ever want to find yourself. And the clues... they're all adding up to something... something big...and they're right in the palm of my hand. The missing piece of the puzzle? How in the hell I fit into all of this...… (altro)
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Action Packed to the Hilt!


Morgan Rook is a supernatural detective that works for the Organization which is a secret society that cleans up messes made by supernatural entities. They send him out on undercover missions with the hopes that he can go in and check things out, but if it gets too complicated then he is suppose to call them and they have other agents to take care of things quietly, but Morgan is kind of a rebel and goes out on his own sometimes without calling the Organization.

This is one of those times as he wants to investigate on his own without the Organization as there is a vampire that is killing people and Morgan has been sent to just gather intel, but things do not always go as planned as he ends up in all kinds of trouble which leads him on a merry trip into the supernatural underworld. When one of his friends ends up dead is when Morgan steps outside of the law of the Organization so that he can track down whoever killed his friend.

That is about all I can give on a taste without giving away spoilers, so if you want to know more about this story then you will need to read the book!


This was my first time reading this author, but I have owned this book for a couple of years. I am just now stepping into the series. I now own the rest of the books as I will be continuing to read the rest of the series as now I am hooked! The writing style is great and the author pulled me in to his world quick as once I became involved in the first few chapters things just started happening one right after the other.

Each chapter there was something happening with supernatural beings which include vampires, werewolves, and demons. The character, Morgan Rook, is a likeable character and he is also able to do magical sorcery as well along with having magical weapons for any situation that he finds himself in.

I loved this book so much that it will be going on my favorites shelf. What an amazing introduction into the world of this author and will be grabbing whatever else he has out there! Giving this book five Supernatural Sorcery stars!

For images/gifs of this review, please see my blog: ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
Dark City
The Order of Shadows, Book 1
By: Kit Hallows
Narrated by: Shawn Compton
This is an audible book I requested and the review is voluntary.
I thought this book was great. I loved the magic, the creatures, the action, suspense, characters, plot, and twists. It was never dull and I kept me interested. It kept me guessing and eager to figure things out. I definitely want to read or listen to the next book.
The narrator's voice was clear and kept the book flowing well. The emotions and moods were performed perfectly. Great job! ( )
  MontzaleeW | Mar 15, 2018 |
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Unleashed Magic. Secret Pasts. Hidden Worlds. Welcome to the Dark City. My name's Morgan Rook, Supernatural Detective, Undercover Agent, odd jobs man. Call it whatever you like. I take out the nightmares, demons and werewolves. The things that lurk in the shadows around you. Guys like us, we call them Nightkind. And here I was, set to quit this dark life and retire to sunnier climes, except for one final job. There's always one. This time a call to eliminate a cruel, rogue vampire, named Mr. Tudor. Simple right? Sure. Until the bodies started piling up in a new wave of vicious occult killings leading scarily close to my own front door. Sparking a series of deadly events that would make my years of fighting the NightKind look like a cakewalk. Add high octane chases across the city, a game of shadows and undead assassins all topped off by a trip into the terrifying world between worlds - the last place you'd ever want to find yourself. And the clues... they're all adding up to something... something big...and they're right in the palm of my hand. The missing piece of the puzzle? How in the hell I fit into all of this...

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