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Edge of a City

di Steven Holl

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Pamphlet Architecture was begun in 1977 by William Stout and Steven Holl as an independent vehicle for dialogue among architects, and has become a popular venue for publishing the works and thoughts of a younger generation of architects. Small in scale, low in price, but large in impact, these books present and disseminate new and innovative theories. The modest format of the books in the Pamphlet Architecture Series belies the importance and magnitude of the ideas within.… (altro)
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Aside from a few titles that both my wife and I have, this is the only title in our library that I have bought two copies of, one in college, one recently. The only difference betweenbthe two is that one is glue/paper binding and one is staple binding. I don't know why the two types of binding exist for this title, or if other Pamphlet Architecture books do the same, but I know that when I came across the staple-bound one many years later I figured I was getting something more "legit," like a limited printing.

Whatever the case, it is one of those Pamphlets that has stayed with me (not just in the physical sense, here multiplying by two), due to having it while in architecture school and it influencing my projects and thinking on design. All these years later, when Holl designs multi-building complexes, it's interesting to see the gestation of his ideas about building big. At the time of its publication he had built very little – a couple houses mainly, but also the Hinged Space/Void Space project in Japan. That project and the explorations in this book show that building larger commissions is not simply a matter of increasing scale over time (a residential interior followed by a house followed by a commercial building, etc.), but it is a working out of those scales simultaneously with smaller projects. ( )
  archidose | Mar 30, 2015 |
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Pamphlet Architecture was begun in 1977 by William Stout and Steven Holl as an independent vehicle for dialogue among architects, and has become a popular venue for publishing the works and thoughts of a younger generation of architects. Small in scale, low in price, but large in impact, these books present and disseminate new and innovative theories. The modest format of the books in the Pamphlet Architecture Series belies the importance and magnitude of the ideas within.

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