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Unicorn Tracks

di Julia Ember

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When a vicious assault compels sixteen-year-old Mnemba to leave her village, she joins her cousin Tumelo as a tracker in his booming safari business. It doesn't take her long to become one of the best safari guides in Nazwimbe. Her work allows her to escape into a new world of wondrous creatures, and to avoid thinking about what happened at home. When Mr. Harving arrives with his daughter Kara to research unicorns, Tumelo assigns Mnemba to them as a guide. The attraction between Mnemba and Kara is almost instant, but Kara is engaged to be married when she returns home. Venturing into the savanna alone, they uncover a plot by a gang of poachers to enslave the unicorns, harnessing their supernatural strength to build a railway. They must save the creatures Kara loves while struggling not to succumb to forbidden love themselves.… (altro)
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Mostra 5 di 5
  hexenlibrarian | May 19, 2020 |
rating: 3.5 stars

review later maybe

major tw for past rape and attempted rape ( )
  runtimeregan | Jun 12, 2019 |
Unicorn Tracks was a cute, albeit short read.

The characters were sweet, the setting was beautiful and the animals only added to the flair.

I love how casually the fantasy elements were merged into the scenes. Like how normal it was to spot a mermaid, or a unicorn!

The adventure itself was well written and an enjoyable ride.

I wish the story had gone on longer, because I'd have loved to read more of Mnemba and Kara.

All in all, Unicorn Tracks was colorful, beautiful and a super sweet read! ( )
  Swibells | Jul 18, 2018 |
Disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I really, really, REALLY liked this book… I just wish there was MORE of it!

I think, above everything else, my favourite aspect of this book was the world-building. I don’t want to lump all of Africa into one continent; it’s something I personally hate, as South Africa (my country) is a far cry from the other end of the continent, like Morocco. At the same time, I don’t want to say that Nazwimbe was like a specific African country. So I shall just say that the story took place in a sub-Saharan-African-esque country very similar to Tanzania. AND I LOVED IT. One of my favourite things to do when I go home is go on game drives, seeing the kudu and zebra and rhinos and more, grazing on plains and wandering through valleys. Reading Unicorn Tracks made me feel wistful and a bit homesick. Add to that the fantastical creatures, blended in effortlessly, and I was in safari heaven! (Also, bonus points for the creature guide at the end.)

The other aspect of the world that I enjoyed was the contrast of the two societies. Building upon some existing practices and lifestyles, Ember still added her own flair. For example, I thought it was so interesting that people in Kara’s country were paired at birth by an astrologist and had no choice in who they married. On the other hand, no one batted an eyelash at same sex relationships in Mnemba’s country.

My only criticism is that I felt like the book was too short. If a bit longer, the plot could have developed a bit more, and issues could have had some more time to build and resolve. Some hurdles were a little too easily overcome. Conflicts between characters arose on one page only to be pacified a page or two later, when this could have been spread out to really build the emotional connection.

Ending on a positive note, can I just say that the cover is GORGEOUS? This is one of those books that I have to have on my shelf, not just on my Kindle. And so do you!

All I can say is… I can’t wait to see what Ember comes out with next.See this review in its natural environment, Dani Reviews Things.
You can find me on Twitter and Instagram. ( )
  dani_reviews | Jul 22, 2016 |
I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review
A compelling plot, vivid characters and girls who love girls make for a fantastic story. Unicorn Tracks features strong, intelligent, resourceful women and I loved it. The African backdrop was peppered with mythological creatures and was enchanting yet realistic. The race against time to save the Unicorns and the Nazwimbe way of life will keep you on the edge of your seat. Highly recommended. 4.5/5 ( )
  clear_tranquil | Apr 17, 2016 |
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When a vicious assault compels sixteen-year-old Mnemba to leave her village, she joins her cousin Tumelo as a tracker in his booming safari business. It doesn't take her long to become one of the best safari guides in Nazwimbe. Her work allows her to escape into a new world of wondrous creatures, and to avoid thinking about what happened at home. When Mr. Harving arrives with his daughter Kara to research unicorns, Tumelo assigns Mnemba to them as a guide. The attraction between Mnemba and Kara is almost instant, but Kara is engaged to be married when she returns home. Venturing into the savanna alone, they uncover a plot by a gang of poachers to enslave the unicorns, harnessing their supernatural strength to build a railway. They must save the creatures Kara loves while struggling not to succumb to forbidden love themselves.

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