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Deadly Class Deluxe Edition, Book 1: Noise Noise Noise

di Rick Remender

Serie: Deadly Class (1-16)

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701391,060 (3.9)1
"It's 1987 and for Marcus Lopez Arguello, a homeless teen surviving on the streets of San Francisco, life is no longer worth living. Until one fateful evening, at the end of his rope, a mysterious girl invites Marcus to join a pecuilar academy. Welcome to Kings Dominion Atelier of the Deadly Arts, the most brutal high school on Earth, where the world's top crime families send the next generation of assassins to be trained. Murder is an art. Killing is a craft, and the dagger in your back is no metaphor. Collecting the first three arcs of Rick Remender and Wes Craig's dark, humorous and authentic coming of age story following a group of damaged teens in the 1980s underground fighting a system determined to corrupt them. Loaded with character sketches, concept art and dozens of other never-before-seen designs"--Back cover.… (altro)
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Darker than even I was expecting but a great narrative for each arc. High stakes, a lot of betrayal, and beautifully drawn. Also wow, what a cliffhanger to end on! ( )
  chelsareno | Sep 30, 2019 |
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"It's 1987 and for Marcus Lopez Arguello, a homeless teen surviving on the streets of San Francisco, life is no longer worth living. Until one fateful evening, at the end of his rope, a mysterious girl invites Marcus to join a pecuilar academy. Welcome to Kings Dominion Atelier of the Deadly Arts, the most brutal high school on Earth, where the world's top crime families send the next generation of assassins to be trained. Murder is an art. Killing is a craft, and the dagger in your back is no metaphor. Collecting the first three arcs of Rick Remender and Wes Craig's dark, humorous and authentic coming of age story following a group of damaged teens in the 1980s underground fighting a system determined to corrupt them. Loaded with character sketches, concept art and dozens of other never-before-seen designs"--Back cover.

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