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True Love Way

di Mary Elizabeth

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The uncomplicated explanation: Penelope Finnel's mind isn't to be trusted. It's betrayed her.Unable to escape the imbalance she was born with, waking up in the morning is a never-ending game of Russian Roulette. After moving to a new town, she's afraid no one will understand the cloud cover above Castle Rain, Washington isn't the only reason everything's gloomy.Until she's introduced to Dillon Decker, her new neighbor. Dillion offers Penelope stability like she's never known before. He shines a light on her dark days, and he's determined to be the cure to her madness. But when friends turn to lovers, and one lover becomes a caretaker, how much can either of them tolerate before they're swallowed whole?A story about epic first loves and the struggle to keep it sane. The true love way.… (altro)
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True Love Way by Mary Elizabeth has left me in a whirl and I have been trying to gather my thoughts enough to formulate a coherent review. A part of me hated this book enough to give it a one star, while another part of me loved it enough to give it five, hence the three star rating that I have given it.

The story unfolds beautifully as the reader gets a true sense of the childhood history that Dillon and Pen share. Unfortunately, no sooner had that history started to form into a beautiful love story, it warped into a disgusting co-dependent relationship that was wearing the mask of love. It is true that a seriously mental ill person changes the lives of everyone that they touch. Parenting can be a guessing game of what's right and wrong. Love relationships find a fine line between helping and enabling. Mary Elizabeth did a phenomenal job of writing the reality of what that looks like, and delivered the emotions that come along with it. That could have been a really cool thing depending how everything played out in the end, but...

Pen's parents allow her to call the shots, going to school when she felt like getting out of bed. The neighbor smokes weed with her. The boyfriend relishes how dependent she is on him, and the list goes on and on until there is not a single likable character and Pen is surrounded by a bunch of enablers.

There was a moment where I thought that there might be some real growth, but it turned out to be a short lived lesson learned. Dillon learned that he couldn't save Pen, but apparently he didn't learn to not be controlled by her.

Okay, so later, Dillon and Pen decide to have a family and the cycle continues with their mentally ill daughter, mirroring so much of Pen's diagnosis, and parents who take the same sick steps to their codependent approach. There are no consequences and the reader is to believe that they are going to live out their lives happily ever after. Ridiculously unrealistic.

I don't find anything romantic about sick relationships. Had there been some real tragedy in the end, it would have rocked my world.

( )
  StephLaymon | Jan 26, 2016 |
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The uncomplicated explanation: Penelope Finnel's mind isn't to be trusted. It's betrayed her.Unable to escape the imbalance she was born with, waking up in the morning is a never-ending game of Russian Roulette. After moving to a new town, she's afraid no one will understand the cloud cover above Castle Rain, Washington isn't the only reason everything's gloomy.Until she's introduced to Dillon Decker, her new neighbor. Dillion offers Penelope stability like she's never known before. He shines a light on her dark days, and he's determined to be the cure to her madness. But when friends turn to lovers, and one lover becomes a caretaker, how much can either of them tolerate before they're swallowed whole?A story about epic first loves and the struggle to keep it sane. The true love way.

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