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Città della pianura

di Cormac McCarthy

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Serie: Trilogia della frontiera (3)

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3,556383,673 (4.01)94
Classic Literature. Fiction. Literature. Western. HTML:In this final volume of The Border Trilogy, two men marked by the boyhood adventures of All the Pretty Horses and The Crossing now stand together, in the still point between their vivid pasts and uncertain futures, to confront a country changing or already changed beyond recognition.

In the fall of 1952, John Grady Cole and Billy Parham—nine years apart in age, yet with a kinship greater than perhaps they know—are cowboys on a New Mexico ranch encroached upon from the north, at Alamogordo, by the military. To the south, always on the horizon are the mountains of Mexico, looming over El Paso, Ciudad Juárez and all the cities of the plain.
Bound by nature to horses and cattle and range, these two discover that ranchlife domesticity is compromised, for them and the men they work with, by a geometry of loss afflicting old and young alike, those who have survived it and anyone about to try. And what draws one of them across the border again and again, what would bind "those disparate but fragile worlds," is a girl seized by ill fortune, and a love as dangerous as it is inevitable.

This story of friendship and passion is enfolded in a narrative replete with character and place and event—a blind musician, a marauding pack of dogs, curio shops and ancient petroglyphs, a precocious shoe-shine boy, trail drives from the century before, midnight on the highway—and with landforms and wildlife and horses and men, most of all men and the women they love and mourn, men and their persistence and memories and dreams.

With the terrible beauty of Cities of the Plain—with its magisterial prose, humor both wry and out-right, fierce conviction and unwavering humanity—Cormac McCarthy has completed a landmark of our literature and times, an epic that reaches from tales of the old west, the world past, into the new millennium, the world to come.
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Took a while to get into it, but from midway through it’s honest and heartbreaking. John Grady Cole and Billy Parham are guys you’d love to have as mates.
  toby.neal | Jul 20, 2024 |

An interesting conclusion to the Border Trilogy, with all the elements a reader would expect from Cormac. The laconic writing, the dialogue written with such care and truth, and the exquisite pain that underlies all of life.

What I like about Cormac’s writing is that it understands that life’s joys and pleasures are only found in adjacency to life’s sorrow and pain.
  ThomasEB | Jul 4, 2024 |
Years ago, I was browsing in a used bookstore with my husband. He discovered this copy of Cormac McCarthy’s novel, Cities of the Plain. He quickly realized it’s a first edition and was on sale for $5. At the time, I had no interest in reading what I perceived a western novel and wasn’t inclined to purchase it even though I was well aware of Cormac McCarthy’s reputation. My husband enabled my love for collecting books and encouraged me to buy it. He was better at appreciating how special this book is. He thought it would be nice to own and I didn’t need much convincing. I love the red colored edges on the top of the book and I like the cover image.

Cities of the Plain is the final installment of The Border Trilogy. I read the first book, All The Pretty Horses about a year ago and the second book, The Crossing a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed The Crossing so much, I wanted to finish the trilogy sooner rather than later. I tend to spread out series of books and seldom read them this closely together. Why? I have no sensible idea. Maybe it’s to make the experience last longer? To procrastinate the finality?

John Grady Cole and Billy Parham exist together in this final story, working on a ranch in New Mexico. 1952, the two young men are enjoying life on the ranch. It’s a rather simple life, but yet daily hard work. They realize the world is changing and their lifestyle is vanishing. John Grady falls in love with a young Mexican girl working as a prostitute. He enlists Billy’s help to free her from her pimp, which is extremely complicated and dangerous. Meanwhile, there are many interesting characters introduced throughout the story: a blind musician, a pack of dogs, fellow ranch workers, and a clever shoe shine boy.

Cities of the Plain left me feeling much the same emotions as The Crossing. There are moments of heart wrenching despair and utter sadness. McCarthy knows how to build hope for the reader, but I wasn’t fooled this time. I knew any moments of joy or excitement were going to be met with devastating grief. And still, I loved McCarthy’s writing and talent to create authentic characters. I am a huge fan of his sarcastic humor. Only McCarthy can make me laugh in the middle of an argument or stressful event.

I loved John Grady Cole and Billy Parham. They are two down to earth cowboys I am grateful to have met and will miss. I suppose they will come to mind the next time I see a question about which characters you would like to have over for dinner. I think they would be satisfied with just about any measly meal I could create. Or, I could take them out to a Mexican restaurant.

Even though I own a beautiful hard cover copy of this book, I listened to the audiobook I acquired from Audible. Frank Muller’s narration was exceptional. It’s interesting how sometimes I will be browsing my Audible wishlist and notice I can add some audiobooks directly to my library as part of my membership. That’s how I got my hands on this audiobook.

I have photos and additional information that I'm unable to include here. It can all be found on my blog, in the link below.
A Book And A Dog ( )
  NatalieRiley | Mar 15, 2024 |
Cities of the Plain concludes McCarthy’s The Border Trilogy. It brings together the protagonists from each of the previous two volumes. John Grady Cole from All the Pretty Horses is now nineteen years old and nine years the junior of Billy Parham from The Crossing. John and Billy share an loving bond and a deep passion for riding horses and living off the land. They work as ranch hands for a respected landowner on his farm not far from the Mexican border. Yet, when John Grady tumbles helplessly in love with a sixteen-year-old Mexican prostitute, Magdalena, from across the border, he provokes the ire of the girl’s pimp. John’s relentless desire to marry the girl leads him down a dangerous and fateful path. Billy’s attempts to protect his friend draw him into the violent turmoil where there is no turning back. The violence quickly boils to an all out blood bath as Billy confronts the pimp in a battle that reminds one of the ill-fated meeting of Macbeth and Macduff in its poetic grandeur. The anguish that Billy Parham feels for his lost friend is heartbreaking.

The end of book focuses on Billy and his wanderings. On his journey, he meets a mysterious man who tells him about a convoluted dream. Though the man denies it, Billy suspects he is Death. However, Billy survives the meeting with the man and finds shelter and a new life with a family who takes him in. The book ends with Billy, it seems, putting his restless and sometimes violent past behind him, with a new lease on life. It would seem that the "romance" of the cowboy way of life has faded for Billy, and the reality and harshness of the world has taken root. And that he has achieved some sort of wisdom from it.

Cities of the Plain is a melancholy story, deftly told in poetic grandeur, about American violence, idealistic romance, and a fading way of life ( )
  ryantlaferney87 | Dec 8, 2023 |
Loved the knife fight.

Hated the epilogue. ( )
  oshafiro | Mar 3, 2023 |
McCarthy greift in diesem Buch, das ebenso wie "All die schönen Pferde" und "Grenzgänger" als eigenständiges Werk gelesen werden kann und als solches besteht, einige bekannte Motive auf. Das Jungenpaar, hier ein paar Jahre älter, die unmögliche, aufgrund der Grenzen zwischen den Kulturen nicht realisierbare Liebe, das Wolfthema aus "Grenzgänger", das hier in Form einer Hundemeute und eines einsamen Welpen variiert wird, und natürlich Mexiko und die Pferde. Doch "Land der Freien" ist melancholischer als seine Vorgänger, es ist introvertierter, beschäftigt sich weit mehr mit seinen Protagonisten, weniger mit dem Land, den Tieren, den Abenteuern. Anfangs ist man noch ein wenig skeptisch, da allein die exakten und kenntnisreichen Beschreibungen von Pflanzen, Tieren, Landschaft und Tätigkeiten noch keinen großen Roman ausmachen. Doch unmerklich baut McCarthy die Dramatik des Buches auf, streut kleine Symbole, die unausweichlich auf das Kommende hinweisen und weist den Personen mehr und mehr ihren Platz im Geschehen zu. Das alles schafft eine Atmosphäre, die den Leser beruhigt, denn nun befindet er sich auf gewohntem literarischen Gebiet, in einer sprachlich und thematisch vertrauten Umgebung: in McCarthy-County.
That brief moment between a culture's existence and extinction -- this is the border that McCarthy's characters keep crossing and recrossing, and the one story, as he's forever writing, that contains all others.
aggiunto da eereed | modificaNew York Times, Sara Mosle (May 17, 1998)

» Aggiungi altri autori (1 potenziale)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Cormac McCarthyautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Golüke, GuidoTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Hirsch, FrançoisTraductionautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Montanari, RaulTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Murillo Fort, LuisTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Ofstad, KnutTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Schaeffer, PatriciaTraductionautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Stingl, NikolausÜbersetzerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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They stood in the doorway and stomped the rain from their boots and swung their hats and wiped the water from their faces.
Si fermarono sulla soglia, pestarono gli stivali a terra per scrollare via la pioggia, sventolarono il cappello e si asciugarono l'acqua dalla faccia.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Classic Literature. Fiction. Literature. Western. HTML:In this final volume of The Border Trilogy, two men marked by the boyhood adventures of All the Pretty Horses and The Crossing now stand together, in the still point between their vivid pasts and uncertain futures, to confront a country changing or already changed beyond recognition.

In the fall of 1952, John Grady Cole and Billy Parham—nine years apart in age, yet with a kinship greater than perhaps they know—are cowboys on a New Mexico ranch encroached upon from the north, at Alamogordo, by the military. To the south, always on the horizon are the mountains of Mexico, looming over El Paso, Ciudad Juárez and all the cities of the plain.
Bound by nature to horses and cattle and range, these two discover that ranchlife domesticity is compromised, for them and the men they work with, by a geometry of loss afflicting old and young alike, those who have survived it and anyone about to try. And what draws one of them across the border again and again, what would bind "those disparate but fragile worlds," is a girl seized by ill fortune, and a love as dangerous as it is inevitable.

This story of friendship and passion is enfolded in a narrative replete with character and place and event—a blind musician, a marauding pack of dogs, curio shops and ancient petroglyphs, a precocious shoe-shine boy, trail drives from the century before, midnight on the highway—and with landforms and wildlife and horses and men, most of all men and the women they love and mourn, men and their persistence and memories and dreams.

With the terrible beauty of Cities of the Plain—with its magisterial prose, humor both wry and out-right, fierce conviction and unwavering humanity—Cormac McCarthy has completed a landmark of our literature and times, an epic that reaches from tales of the old west, the world past, into the new millennium, the world to come.

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Descrizione del libro
Primi anni cinquanta. John Grady Cole e Billy Parnham lavorano in un ranch fra il Texas e il Messico.Insieme allevano cavalli, ascoltano sotto le stelle i racconti dei vecchi cowboy, si divertono al bar o al bordello. E al bordello John Grady incontra una sedicenne così bella da cambiargli la vita. Così contesa da costringerlo a scontrarsi con il protettore-filosofo Eduardo, in duello allo stesso tempo epico e metafisico. Ultimo capitolo della 'trilogia della frontiera', "Città della pianura" parte arrivavano i primi due romanzi, "Cavalli selvaggi" e "Oltre il confine". In un West sempre più al crepuscolo, la natura esplode fuori e dentro i protagonisti, splendida e spietata. E se percepire il respiro delle cose, restituirlo nella forma di una superiore sapienza, è privilegio di pochi, nemmeno quei pochi possono cambiare gli eventi: possono soltanto far sentire la misteriosa forza che tiene insieme gli alberi, gli animali e i destini degli uomini.
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