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Murder Comes by Mail

di A. H. Gabhart

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8314334,399 (4.28)10
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. In front of a busload of camera-wielding senior citizens, Deputy Sheriff Michael Keane saves a stranger's life. Unfortunately, he soon suspects he may have saved a murderer.
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Having read the first book in the Hidden Springs Mystery series by A. H. Gabhart, I was looking forward to Murder Comes by Mail. I was not disappointed by this charming cozy mystery. The Deputy Sheriff is quite the humble hero who, in doing a good turn, has found himself in the middle of several murder mysteries. I enjoy a small town setting where everyone knows everyone else's business and rumors abound. The scenes were quite realistic and sent a few shivers up my spine at times! With some quirky characters, several dead bodies, and a bit of a romance, readers who enjoy cozy mysteries can't ask for much more. It took me quite a bit to figure out the murderer and there were a few twists to the plot that kept my interest. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. It's always fun to see how the characters develop and how they get themselves out of mishaps. The audiobook is read by the author and I enjoyed author knows just how to speak the essence of her characters. I listened to a complimentary copy of the audiobook and was not required to write a positive review. ( )
  Anne_Rightler | May 31, 2023 |
Loved this book. I read this book as part of the popsugar reading challenge 2016. ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
When I saw that A. H. Gabhart had her second book out in the Hidden Springs Mystery series I grabbed the chance to read it. Her characters are well developed and believable. I really like Deputy Sheriff Michael Keane, the lead in this series. His humbleness and unassuming personality make this mystery very appealing. He becomes the hero in the town early on but then he feels more as an albatross as people are being killed. This book is a delight to read and the suspense keeps you turning the pages until the end. What I enjoy, too, is that Michael is in love with a woman who used to live in his town but now is a big shot attorney who never wants to return to her roots. Michael's feisty aunt continues to convince him to settle down but Michael likes life the way it is, simple and uncomplicated. I highly recommend Murder Comes by Mail.

I received a copy from NetGalley for my honest review. ( )
  sh2rose | Sep 6, 2016 |
Murder Comes By Mail by A.H. Gabhart is Book Two in the Hidden Springs Mysteries. It’s a wonderful, suspenseful story and although I’d not read the first book, I was able to engage from the beginning without any issues. And now, I’m going back for book one.
Michael Keane is a super nice guy, driving a bus filled with little old ladies to a show when he comes across a suicidal man threatening to jump from a bridge. Being the Deputy Sheriff, it’s his responsibility to help the man. One success is lost in a string of murders and Michael’s convinced the suicidal man is the common denominator. Michael is trying desperately to stay ahead in the game before another person ends up dead.
I was screaming “I know who done it” and loving the mystery within. This book had me staying up late for “just one more chapter” and I can’t wait for the next book in the series. I give it five out of five stars and recommend it for sure. I’d love to tell you more about the story but don’t want to spoil one second of the suspense. So, you’ve just gotta read it for yourself.
I received this book from Revell Publishing in exchange for my honest opinion which I’ve provided here. ( )
  ShareeKim | Jun 9, 2016 |
Wonderful again! Love deputy sheriff Michael Keane. He is so much fun. Love seeing how life is in Hidden Springs. Can Michael get passed being a hero? He saves a man from committing suicide and then isn't sure if he should have saved him. No one is sure if he isn't a serial killer. Did Michael do the right thing? There are many twists and turns in this small town tale. I received this book from Revell for a fair and honest opinion. ( )
  Virginia51 | Jun 1, 2016 |
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. In front of a busload of camera-wielding senior citizens, Deputy Sheriff Michael Keane saves a stranger's life. Unfortunately, he soon suspects he may have saved a murderer.

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