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Fondation en péril di Gregory Benford
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Fondation en péril (edizione 2002)

di Gregory Benford (Autore), Dominique Haas (Traduction)

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1,7352710,416 (3.06)16
Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy is one of the high-water marks of science fiction. It is the monumental story of a Galactic Empire in decline, and the secret society of scientists who seek to shorten the inevitable Dark Age with the science of psychohistory. Now, with the permission -- and blessing -- of the Asimov estate, the epic saga continues. Fate -- and a cruel Emperor's arbitrary power -- have thrust Hari Seldon into the First Ministership of the Empire against his will. As the story opens, Hari is about to leave his quiet professorship and take on the all but impossible task of administering 25 million inhabited worlds from the all-steel planet of Trantor. With the help of his beautiful bio-engineered "wife" Dors and his alien companion Yugo, Seldon is still developing the science that will transform history, never dreaming that it will ultimately pit him against future history's most awesome threat.… (altro)
Titolo:Fondation en péril
Autori:Gregory Benford (Autore)
Altri autori:Dominique Haas (Traduction)
Info:Pocket (2002), 588 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:default, to-read

Informazioni sull'opera

Fondazione: paura di Gregory Benford (Author)

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Benford says himself in the afterword that he had some questions about the Foundation trilogy - where are the aliens and what is the role of computers. He also points out that the original trilogy (not the Asimov prequels or sequels) is devoid of physical action. So he set out to answer the questions and fill in the gaps and goes overboard doing so. This just didn't feel like a Foundation novel at all and it was too long. ( )
  Karlstar | Sep 14, 2024 |
I kept slogging through this book hoping and waiting for this work to redeem itself. Then it ended. ( )
  JohnChic | May 29, 2024 |
Ce premier roman de la trilogie faisant suite au cycle de Fondation d'Isaac Asimov est écrit par Gregory Benford. Et le moins que l'on puisse dire est que cet auteur ne s'inscrit pas dans la droite ligne de son illustre prédécesseur. Isaac Asimov construisait ces romans sur des discussions entre les personnages et l'action était très souvent absente. Peu d'informations étaient données sur les technologies employées dans l'empire galactique, lui donnant ainsi une intemporalité qui permet de le lire cinquante ans après sa parution sans qu'il ne paraisse dater. De son côté, Gregory Benford a fait tout l'inverse, détaillant à l'extrême un Web de Trantor qui, vingt-cinq ans après sa parution, paraît complètement dépassé. C'est extrêmement décevant. Et cette déception est identique concernant l'intrigue, qui semble assez inexistante, l'auteur ayant choisi de focaliser son roman sur plusieurs tentatives d'attentats contre Hari Seldon, sans qu'il y ait un réel fil conducteur. Deux idées sauvent le roman, la première est l'utilisation des simulations informatiques de Jeanne d'Arc et de Voltaire et la seconde est une transfert temporaire d'esprit dans un corps étranger.
L'apport global de ce roman au cycle d'un des maîtres de la science-fiction est négligeable, une lecture à oublier au plus vite. ( )
  Patangel | Dec 30, 2023 |
The main aspect of this book are AI realisations of Joan of Arc and Voltaire and the ongoing thoughts and descriptions of what is intelligence and humanity. These concepts are interesting and possibly may be seen as a continuation of Asimov's treatment of robots. However, I couldn't see the theme as presented by Benford tying in with my view of the Asimov Foundation Universe. The explanation on how aliens had made themselves into some form of AI beings and infected the human "internet" was again an interesting idea but I felt it undermined the Foundations created by Asimov - being possibly "trumped" by these secret alien beings created by Benford. I found it a hard read and only recommended for the keen Foundation reader. It has put ne off reading the other 2 books of the trilogy authorised by the Asimov estate. ( )
  Daniel_M_Oz | Mar 26, 2023 |
Nos hallamos en los turbulentos días del final del Imperio Galáctico, cuando concluye el complejo establecimiento de la psicohistoria, la única ciencia capaz de predecir el comportamiento humano. Hari Seldon, primer ministro del Imperio, ordena utilizar dos antiguos simulacros para poner a prueba la psicohistoria. Al mismo tiempo, se gesta un enfrentamiento entre robots giskardianos –que intervienen en el destino de la humanidad– y calvinianos –que solo sirven a los seres humanos–. Esta situación lleva a Seldon a emprender una huida por varios mundos de la galaxia, en los que aprende lo suficiente para perfeccionar la psicohistoria. Pero los dos simulacros, que han escapado del control de los programadores, despiertan e irritan a antiguas entidades alienígenas refugiadas en un universo electrónico.
  Natt90 | Jul 5, 2022 |
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To Greg Bear and David Brin fellow voyagers on strange seas
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R. Daneel Olivaw did not look like Eto Demerzel.

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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy is one of the high-water marks of science fiction. It is the monumental story of a Galactic Empire in decline, and the secret society of scientists who seek to shorten the inevitable Dark Age with the science of psychohistory. Now, with the permission -- and blessing -- of the Asimov estate, the epic saga continues. Fate -- and a cruel Emperor's arbitrary power -- have thrust Hari Seldon into the First Ministership of the Empire against his will. As the story opens, Hari is about to leave his quiet professorship and take on the all but impossible task of administering 25 million inhabited worlds from the all-steel planet of Trantor. With the help of his beautiful bio-engineered "wife" Dors and his alien companion Yugo, Seldon is still developing the science that will transform history, never dreaming that it will ultimately pit him against future history's most awesome threat.

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