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The Velocity of Money: A Novel of Wall Street

di Stephen Rhodes

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351717,929 (3.63)1
Young Manhattan attorney Rick Hansen has ascended to the top of the financial ladder by landing himself a plum position at the blue-chip-global investment firm of Wolcott, Fulbright & Company. Here on "the Street, " he is in close proximity to the people who manipulate the power that spins the globe: money. But something is very wrong. His predecessor's shocking suicide begins to look suspiciously like murder. And the deeper Hansen digs, the more evidence he uncovers of a devastating international conspiracy to engineer the biggest market crash since 1929 and reap billions in profits from global apocalypse. With the clock ticking down to the zero hour, Rick Hansen discovers he's the only one who can stop a nightmarish Black Friday from dawning-but only if he is willing to put his own life on the line."The Velocity of Money" is a riveting, sophisticated, blisteringly authentic thriller that provides an insider's glimpse into the vast and intricate workings of the Wall Street financial machine; a shocking cautionary tale for an age of electronic trading and speculative frenzies, when personal fortunes can be made in a minute and the world economy can be destroyed in an instant.… (altro)
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Exciting thriller combining derivatives trading with information technology in a story of market manipulation and murder. There is no mystery here because we follow the conspirators and the investigators as the plot unfolds. The author is immersed in the financial culture that is the background to the novel. This gives it great authenticity but the jargon is a challenge in the early chapters as his enthusiasm for technical details overwhelms the narrative. After the initial flood of jargon the plot unfolds with great pace. ( )
  TheoClarke | Apr 25, 2010 |
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Young Manhattan attorney Rick Hansen has ascended to the top of the financial ladder by landing himself a plum position at the blue-chip-global investment firm of Wolcott, Fulbright & Company. Here on "the Street, " he is in close proximity to the people who manipulate the power that spins the globe: money. But something is very wrong. His predecessor's shocking suicide begins to look suspiciously like murder. And the deeper Hansen digs, the more evidence he uncovers of a devastating international conspiracy to engineer the biggest market crash since 1929 and reap billions in profits from global apocalypse. With the clock ticking down to the zero hour, Rick Hansen discovers he's the only one who can stop a nightmarish Black Friday from dawning-but only if he is willing to put his own life on the line."The Velocity of Money" is a riveting, sophisticated, blisteringly authentic thriller that provides an insider's glimpse into the vast and intricate workings of the Wall Street financial machine; a shocking cautionary tale for an age of electronic trading and speculative frenzies, when personal fortunes can be made in a minute and the world economy can be destroyed in an instant.

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