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Property of Drex #1

di C.M. Owens

Serie: Death Chasers MC (1)

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482547,778 (4.33)1
EVE What's the most selfless thing you've ever done? What price tag would you put on the ability to save the ones you love? They say the worst decisions are made by the desperate or the fools. I was desperate enough to make a foolish decision to save my family. The cost? Me. They may be a motorcycle club, but in all honesty they're really an elite unit of criminals who just happen to drive motorcycles. They're a business. An organization. A fully functioning army... What' I've learned? They work in the gray area; life and death is real; and everyone wants everyone dead. Okay, so maybe that's dramatic... No. No it's not. It's legit. I prepared for the worst, fully anticipating hating my new life. Turns out, I finally found out where I belonged. Oh, and I discovered I'm a little twisted or crazy. Maybe both. Drex Caine, the man without a conscience, didn't ruin me the way I thought he would. Instead, he made me feel like I was living instead of just waiting to live. And I can never go back to the way things used to be.… (altro)
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My Review:
This was originally recommended to me by RomanceSass on Instagram and I absolutely had a blast with this book. It was perfect it was addictive and felt close to Joanna Wylde in the setup of the story. I really liked this type of theme in romance (have no clue what that says about me....probably all those johanna lindsey I read as a teen lol) I was intrigued about this one because I love a softer FMC and mixed with a badass tough alpha male was just what I was looking for and I was so consumed by this story. This is definitely for readers that need a palette cleanser and just something that will easily sweep you away and this author definitely does that here. There is also plenty of hot smexy times, and super gritty MC culture and I actually didn't mind that. I have really missed some dark gritty MC, many coming out recently are so tame in comparison. I really was curious to see where the author would take this one but what a CLIFFHANGER! Yes it has one, but the second one is all ready to go.

The romance was addictive and I became so hooked on their story and what was happening with the plot. The author definitely keeps you questioning until the end. Definitely a keeper here. ( )
  addictofromance | Sep 9, 2024 |
I haven't had many I could put in my favorites in lucky with this one. I love action and romance in a book. ( )
  DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
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EVE What's the most selfless thing you've ever done? What price tag would you put on the ability to save the ones you love? They say the worst decisions are made by the desperate or the fools. I was desperate enough to make a foolish decision to save my family. The cost? Me. They may be a motorcycle club, but in all honesty they're really an elite unit of criminals who just happen to drive motorcycles. They're a business. An organization. A fully functioning army... What' I've learned? They work in the gray area; life and death is real; and everyone wants everyone dead. Okay, so maybe that's dramatic... No. No it's not. It's legit. I prepared for the worst, fully anticipating hating my new life. Turns out, I finally found out where I belonged. Oh, and I discovered I'm a little twisted or crazy. Maybe both. Drex Caine, the man without a conscience, didn't ruin me the way I thought he would. Instead, he made me feel like I was living instead of just waiting to live. And I can never go back to the way things used to be.

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