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The Complete Book of Photographing Women

di Peter Barry

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When I began to review my collection of nude photography books, I picked them out from left to right, just as they are stored on my shelves. It just so happens that they are arranged on the shelves in order of size - large to small. I've just noticed that this seems to place them largely in order of age too. The 1980s ones are the larger ones. I don't know why this is!
Peter Barry's Complete Book of Photographing Women is a large, colourful volume, with many full=page images. Many of the photos are 'Page 3' style, which is nice to see again now that the newspapers have largely ditched this. It is quite nice to see Linda Lusardi pictures again!
Being a 'complete' book, there is a lot of focus on some aspects of the photography which do not feature so much in other, similar titles. Make-up, hairstyles, etc.
Best photograph featured? I really like the photo near the end of the book, (the pages are not numbered), of two topless girls, where one of them appears to be looking for something that has gotten into the other one's eye. A nice, candid nude moment. Worst photo? Nothing I could pick out, but there are probably too many full-page pictures of model's faces, included to illustrate the make-up styles. Many of which are quite dated now. Also, too many photos taken from the Author's 'Erotic Aerobics' book, which I have seen recycled in other titles too many times. ( )
  sickthings | Apr 29, 2016 |
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Women are people too. Few women will need reminding of this but (for whatever reason) the majority of people who read books on photography are men.
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