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di Rachel Morgan

Serie: Creepy Hollow (1.3)

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Aggiunto di recente datimjdarling, MiduHadi, arthistorychick
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Creepy Hollow #3: Traitor by Rachel Morgan
Source: Purchase
4/5 stars

The fun continues in Traitor, novella number three of the Creepy Hollow series. Violet and Nate have survived their trip to the Underground and things seem more complicated than ever! Nate has discovered he is not just human but a Halfling, he has this weird tattoo on his lower back and he seems to be pushing Violet away for no clear reason. While Nate doesn’t seem overly concerned about any of this, Violet can’t shake the feeling that there is disaster on the horizon.

Violet is such a take-charge, let’s figure this crap out kind of girl and this is one of the reasons I am so fond of her. Violet’s mind is constantly moving trying to assess situations and determine what her best course of action should be. Unfortunately, his doesn’t always work out the way Violet thinks it will  Enter Scarlett, the incredibly powerful half-faerie half siren who is the source of Nate’s mysterious tattoo. Scarlett lives in the Underground and has placed (and removed) the tattoo from Nate at the behest of her unknown boss. When Violet confronts Scarlett about the tattoo things go very, very badly and Violet is once again forced to fight for her very survival.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, Ryn, Violet’s one-time best friend and now sworn enemy and training competition is stirring up all kinds of trouble. Ryn has a bad attitude about four miles wide and simply couldn’t care less about who he hurts or how badly he hurts them. While Ryn has disliked Violet for years he seems to be taking his hatred up a notch lately. Ryn is clearly hiding something and whatever that something is, is being taken out on Violet. Oh goody! One more craptastic thing to worry about.

Traitor wraps up with the unveiling of the traitor and believe me when I say this: you will be glad novella number four is already available . . . . ( )
  arthistorychick | Aug 22, 2012 |
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The Faerie Guardian was originally published in four separate parts: Guardian, Labyrinth, Traitor and Masquerade. Do not combine any of these parts with any of the complete novels.
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