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Abandoned Darkness

di Kate Wendley

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523,046,135 (4.5)Nessuno
An Alpha Wolf too wild for love... Having the rare ability to read minds won Sebastian no friends in a world full of secrets. Years of being shunned by the very people he's sworn to protect only reinforces his bad attitude while he cultivates the deadly power of his wolf, keeping it barely contained most days. A collision with the sweet woman of his dreams tests his ability to be more than just the angry, brute Alpha Wolf people know him as. But as his nagging fight with the old Alpha heats up, and Sebastian's own screw up threatens an important friendship, he aches to lash out more than ever.Jade's animal abilities are the weakest in the family, so most days she can thankfully ignore that hated part of her existence. But after crashing into Sebastian, the most powerful, terrifying, and sexy shifter in Atlanta, her jaguar is awake in every good and horrible way, whether she likes it or not...… (altro)
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New Powers, Old Secrets, and More Blood...

Two lonely people, each with a secret crush on the other. One a jaguar, the other a wolf. One hates her animal, the other embraces his. A low level jaguar and a powerful Alpha wolf, neither thinks their dream lovers can become real. Neither thinks he/she is good enough for the other...Until an accidental run in, literally, opens their eyes ti possibilities.

Jade's a jaguar in Zach's pack with very little power. She hates being an animal, only shifting on the monthly full moon because she has to. Nicknamed Fraidy Cat, she's afraid of so much, especially those with Power. Her internal complaining about how she's a human, not an animal does get tedious after a while. I just wanted to shake some sense into her.

Sebastian took possession of the Pack from Torin and Torin has never let him forget it. Sebastian has only two friends, Anthony, Master Vampire, and Zach, the jaguar pack Alpha. Zach and Sebastian are roommates with Anthony and also his blood donors. Because of his mind reading ability, Sebastian hates touching people...and others don't want to touch him in case he reads their minds.

Anthony is finding new powers and learning how to use them. He's getting a bit scary now. He's madly in love with Kaia but worries about her because she's human, making her frail compared to the supernaturals.

Torin, the old Alpha, a thorn in Sebastian's paw, continues teasing and taunting's like he never grew out of middle school games. He even gets other pack members to do the same, alienating Sebastian more. Then Torin tries something new, a truce...a new game or for real??

Ethan is back, with all of his animosity towards Anthony and Anthony not knowing where it comes from. Yet, Ethan helps when it comes to both of their Families. Ethan's not a favorite of mine.

This second book is a good addition to the series. Would recommend reading the first book to get more background to the characters, though each is a stand alone story with its own Happy Ending. Liked the characters changing, adding more depth, not just staying the same. Good storyline here, except for Jade's almost constant whining about being human, not an animal, slowed a few parts down...not necessary to harp on it so much. But then Sebastian had his own mental conversations about his Power, his insecurity about Jade, wondering about Torin...though his felt nothing like Jade's whining. ( )
  GGmaSheila | Jan 25, 2023 |
Book 2 in the Forest of Darkness Series

An Alpha Wolf Shifter

A Timid Jaguar Shifter

Is Love Waiting?

The Story Continues In Book Two!

Kate Wendley's second novel in the Forest Of Darkness series is a winner.


Sebastian is an Alpha Wolf Shifter. He loves being a wolf shifter, however he hates his job in the shifter/vampire world and the loneliness he endures because of his talent. His friend and Vampire Master Anthony uses his talent as a mind reader in the magical world of shifter and vampire. He is hated, feared, and avoided by everyone. After many years, he has acquired control of his talent, but still hates it when he must dive into the mind of anyone.

He has a secret fascination with Jade, a Jaguar shifter. Unknown to him, the attraction is mutual, Sebastian is the feature attraction in Jade's fantasies; Jade is featured in Sebastian's fantasies. Jade is timid and called a scaredy cat by other shifters and vampires. She hates shifting; she wants to be human. He is lonely and isolated.

These two very different shifters and their journey through the shifter/vampire world and romance are the main story line of this wonderful book. We also see the characters from the first novel, Mastering Darkness, as their stories continues and the plots thicken.


The character development of Sebastian and Jade was well done as they deal with their insecurities and issues. The plot and pacing kept me interested throughout the story. Ms Wendley gives us look into the lonely life of the shifter that is different from their fellow shifters and the isolation, insecurities, and behind the scene plotting of the shifter/vampire world and, of course, the villains that plot behind the scenes. The twists and turns are woven well together to form a cohesive novel. Ms. Wendley has a creative imagaination and I enjoyed another look into her world of shifters and vampires.


This is a very enjoyable book. I would recommend this book to young adult and adult due to sexual and violent content. I look forward to reading and reviewing book 3 of this series.

Review copy provided via Reading Alley in exchange for an honest book review.

Books reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author's opinion; all book reviews on line under my name and on my blog are my opinion. ( )
  vera_mallard | Feb 29, 2016 |
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An Alpha Wolf too wild for love... Having the rare ability to read minds won Sebastian no friends in a world full of secrets. Years of being shunned by the very people he's sworn to protect only reinforces his bad attitude while he cultivates the deadly power of his wolf, keeping it barely contained most days. A collision with the sweet woman of his dreams tests his ability to be more than just the angry, brute Alpha Wolf people know him as. But as his nagging fight with the old Alpha heats up, and Sebastian's own screw up threatens an important friendship, he aches to lash out more than ever.Jade's animal abilities are the weakest in the family, so most days she can thankfully ignore that hated part of her existence. But after crashing into Sebastian, the most powerful, terrifying, and sexy shifter in Atlanta, her jaguar is awake in every good and horrible way, whether she likes it or not...

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