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The Little Grey Men (1942)

di B. B.

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: British Gnomes (1)

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4471057,060 (3.97)53
In Warwickshire, England, three gnomes set out on a dangerous journey to find their long-lost brother, who left years ago to seek the source of the Folly, the brook on whose banks they make their home.
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Darling little adventure story about three little gnomes going on an odessey to find one of their lost friends. Absorbing. ( )
  37143Birnbaum | Oct 27, 2023 |
I had a Folio Society edition but gave it away because Slightly Foxed published the sequel and another BB book.
I just re-read The Little Grey Men and enjoyed exploring the banks and waters of the Folly stream with Sneezewort, Baldmoney and later the one-legged Dodder who set off to search for their brother Cloudberry who went walkabout a year earlier. We meet the forest friends, Squirrel, owls, rabbits, kingfisher and other birds, including the stuck-up pheasants and woodland enemies such as the stoat and fox, and an ogre in the form of a gamekeeper. I'm a bit sad about the fox because I am fond of foxes and not of fox-hunting. There is enjoyment of Nature, the trees, plants and flowers, a visit from Pan, a lot of kindness and some cruelty and sadness, but such is life. The gnomes are affable and resourceful little fellows and I can imagine them living among the roots of one of the trees along the stream that runs past the end of my road. Just one thing puzzled me, the miraculous appearance of a frying pan after everything had been lost in a storm.
Now looking forward to reading the others. ( )
  overthemoon | Sep 6, 2023 |
Not as whimsical as other older children's fantasies that I enjoy, and also quite dark in some spots. ( )
  bookwyrmm | Jun 18, 2021 |
[This is a review I wrote in 2007]

**Wonderful classic story for all ages!**

Meet the last four gnomes in the British Isles: they are Baldmoney, Dodder (with his wooden leg), Sneezewort and finally Cloudberry.

These gnomes are very old indeed, and have lived for some centuries already. They are the last survivors of the "Little People", excepting rumours of some distant relatives in Ireland!

These four gnomes live by the side of stream in the heart of Warwickshire countryside, with friends such as Ben the Owl, Squirrel, Otter, Kingfisher and others. They live day-to-day by fishing minnow from the stream, and gathering seasonal produce from the wood around them.

"The Little Grey Men" begins with just 3 of the gnomes, Dodder, Baldmoney and Sneezewort. Their brother, Cloudberry has been away from home for over a year. When they last saw him he had decided to set off on an adventure to find the source of the Folly, or stream, and he hasn't been since. The gnomes decide it's time to find their brother, Cloudberry, and so they set off on an adventure...

This is such a delightful story. I wish I'd discovered it as a child, because I know I would have LOVED it! ( )
  ArdizzoneFan | Nov 14, 2020 |
I started read The Little Grey Men when I was 10 or 11. I liked it very much but, for some forgotten reason, had to return it to the library before I finished it. It must have stuck in my mind though, because when I saw a reference to it the other week, I remembered it and decided to get it out and try again, this time from a library on the far side of the continent. Here's what I found.

It's glorious writing, beyond writing really, more of a window into a lost world, lost to me anyway -- how it would be to live in a hollow of an oak tree on the side of a creek in a woodland of the English Midlands in a long ago pre-suburbanized countryside.

He doesn't really give a child reader a break with his vocabulary and sentence structure, you got to stay with it, kids. He's just trying to get his vision out and at the same time tell a ripping story.

BB has illustrated the book with his own woodcuts and they are Arthur Rackham masterful.

Oh yeah, storyline: after living on the side of Folly Brook for several thousand years, three gnomes decide to venture upstream to find their lost brother Cloudberry, and what happened to them on the way.

This is not your ordinary kid's adventure fantasy. More like a hymn to nature that happens to include great gnome characters having ripping adventures. Recommended. ( )
  ChrisNewton | Mar 18, 2016 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (3 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
B. B.autore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Drescher, DanielaIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Edwards, Julie AndrewsIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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For Berverly Ann

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It was one of those days at the tail end of winter when spring, in some subtle way, announced its presence.
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"Funny how a fire makes you want to stare and stare at it," said Dodder reflectively ... "[M]en are just the same ... they sit, just like we do, staring into the embers. Of course, it is understandable in man, because a fire is the only bit of wildness left in his house; his surroundings are artificial, but a fire makes him think of the days when he lived as we do, out in the open with nothing but caves and hollow trees to shield him from the weather."
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BB is the pseudonym of Denys Watkins-Pitchford, he was an illustrator.
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In Warwickshire, England, three gnomes set out on a dangerous journey to find their long-lost brother, who left years ago to seek the source of the Folly, the brook on whose banks they make their home.

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5 27

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