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Dreamwalker (2012)

di James D. Oswald

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In a small village, miles from the great cities of the Twin Kingdoms, a young boy called Errol tries to find his way in the world. He's an outsider - he looks different from other children and has never known his father. No one, not himself even has any knowledge of his true lineage. Deep in the forest, Benfro, the young male dragon begins his training in the subtle arts. Like his mother, Morgwm the Green, he is destined to be a great Mage. No one could imagine that the future of all life in the Twin Kingdoms rests in the hands of these two unlikely heroes. But it is a destiny that will change the lives of boy and dragon for ever . . .… (altro)
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A Dragon and a Prince born on the same day, both have to hide from the whole truth about themselves, the leader of the main religion on the world wants all the power but he is working at it slowly.

It was a bit meh in parts but not too bad, this book is setting up the characters and the conflict, it will be interesting to see what happens next. I just wasn't all that moved by the story and the bad guys were all but twirling moustaches. I could see potential in the book and it did keep me reading but it felt like there was something missing, something that could be more, a greater depth that the author hadn't dived into and I missed it. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Sep 15, 2015 |
It's been a (very) long time since I've read any fantasy fiction and I only got Dreamwalker as a freebie for my Kindle on the strength of having enjoyed the author's Inspector McLean Mysteries so much. I'm so glad I did as I have really enjoyed discovering the world and characters that James Oswald has created. The parallel lives of Sir Benfro and Errol and their adventures have really captivated my imagination and I can't wait to see how their fates intertwine, so have already purchased Books 2 and 3 of the trilogy. The book is beautifully written and I loved the snippets inserted from various ancient tomes of dragons and men at the start of each chapter. You'll love it if you like fantasy fiction and worth a try even if you think you don't! ( )
  CrystalShard | Oct 4, 2013 |
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In a small village, miles from the great cities of the Twin Kingdoms, a young boy called Errol tries to find his way in the world. He's an outsider - he looks different from other children and has never known his father. No one, not himself even has any knowledge of his true lineage. Deep in the forest, Benfro, the young male dragon begins his training in the subtle arts. Like his mother, Morgwm the Green, he is destined to be a great Mage. No one could imagine that the future of all life in the Twin Kingdoms rests in the hands of these two unlikely heroes. But it is a destiny that will change the lives of boy and dragon for ever . . .

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