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Meeting Miss Mystic

di Katy Regnery

Serie: Heart of Montana (book 5)

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INSIDE and OUTHigh school principal Paul Johansson has never been lucky in love, which is too bad, because few men in Montana are more naturally romantic. Then his friend Maggie signs him up for Internet dating, and while Paul is initially furious, he's soon blown away by Holly Morgan, a blonde, blue-eyed art teacher from Connecticut. She might just be the girl of his dreams. Zoe Flannigan-aka Holly Morgan-totally forgot about the account she set up two years ago on Meet-the-One. com. In fact, after an accident that left her physically and emotionally scarred, she hasn't been up for meeting or dating anyone. Until Paul. Handsome, sweet, and too-good-to-be-true. . . But while the built-in anonymity of the Internet offers a buffer, she can't hide in cyberspace forever, either from Paul's expectations or from herself. There's a journey she must take, and at the end of it will be a love as beautiful and boundless as the wide Montana sky. --Provided by publisher.… (altro)
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  karenhulseman | Dec 3, 2019 |
Katie Regnery is one of my new favorite authors. I loved every minute of this book. It had a fairy tale quality to it. I've already started on the other books of this series ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
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INSIDE and OUTHigh school principal Paul Johansson has never been lucky in love, which is too bad, because few men in Montana are more naturally romantic. Then his friend Maggie signs him up for Internet dating, and while Paul is initially furious, he's soon blown away by Holly Morgan, a blonde, blue-eyed art teacher from Connecticut. She might just be the girl of his dreams. Zoe Flannigan-aka Holly Morgan-totally forgot about the account she set up two years ago on Meet-the-One. com. In fact, after an accident that left her physically and emotionally scarred, she hasn't been up for meeting or dating anyone. Until Paul. Handsome, sweet, and too-good-to-be-true. . . But while the built-in anonymity of the Internet offers a buffer, she can't hide in cyberspace forever, either from Paul's expectations or from herself. There's a journey she must take, and at the end of it will be a love as beautiful and boundless as the wide Montana sky. --Provided by publisher.

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