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Sweet Agony

di Charlotte Stein

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New job, new boss, and he's cold, strict, but terribly attractive. Does Molly Parker stay or does she go? Because beneath Cyrian's chilly front, there may be a heat that'll burn her up. Giving in was vicious bliss. The live-in position is an opportunity for Molly to earn and escape a problematic family. There's just one drawback. Her employer is the most eccentric, aloof and closed off man she's ever encountered. His rules are bizarre and his needs even more so, and caring for his ramshackle Dickensian home is far more than she ever bargained for. Only their increasingly intense conversations stop her heading for the door. Cyrian Harcroft is a man of many mysteries and secrets, and the more she learns the greedier she is for each and every one. Especially when she discovers his greatest fear: any kind of physical contact. Now all she has to do is dig a little deeper, to unearth the passion she knows he can feel...… (altro)
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Very many similarities to Never Loved but with so much more desperation. ( )
  wonderlande | Jan 1, 2023 |
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New job, new boss, and he's cold, strict, but terribly attractive. Does Molly Parker stay or does she go? Because beneath Cyrian's chilly front, there may be a heat that'll burn her up. Giving in was vicious bliss. The live-in position is an opportunity for Molly to earn and escape a problematic family. There's just one drawback. Her employer is the most eccentric, aloof and closed off man she's ever encountered. His rules are bizarre and his needs even more so, and caring for his ramshackle Dickensian home is far more than she ever bargained for. Only their increasingly intense conversations stop her heading for the door. Cyrian Harcroft is a man of many mysteries and secrets, and the more she learns the greedier she is for each and every one. Especially when she discovers his greatest fear: any kind of physical contact. Now all she has to do is dig a little deeper, to unearth the passion she knows he can feel...

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