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Mistaking Her Character

di Maria Grace

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Serie: The Queen of Rosings Park (1)

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Complete in one volume.Lady Catherine de Bourgh is prepared to be very generous when it comes to medical care for her sickly daughter, Anne - generous enough to lure noted physician Dr. Thomas Bennet to give up his London practice and move his family to Rosings Park. But his good income comes with a price: complete dependence on his demanding patroness's every whim.    Now the Bennet family is trapped, reliant on Lady Catherine for their survival. Their patroness controls every aspect of the Bennet household, from the shelves in the closet to the selection of suitors for the five Bennet daughters. Now she has chosen a husband for headstrong Elizabeth Bennet- Mr. George Wickham. But Lady Catherine's nephew, Fitzwilliam Darcy, is not so sure about his aunt's choice. He is fascinated by the compassionate Elizabeth who seems to effortlessly understand everyone around her, including him. Lady Catherine has other plans for Darcy, though, and she forbids Elizabeth to even speak to him. As Anne's health takes a turn for the worse, Darcy and Elizabeth are thrown together as Dr. Bennet struggles to save Anne's life. Darcy can no longer deny the truth - he is in love with Elizabeth Bennet. But Lady Catherine will do anything to stop Darcy from marrying her - even if it means Elizabeth will lose everything she loves.Sweet Regency Romance… (altro)
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In this Pride and Prejudice variation, as Bennet is the second son of a gentleman, he has trained as a doctor and now has the patronage of Lady Catherine DeBourgh - being the personal doctor to the unwell Anne. Jane and Elizabeth are not the current daughters of Mrs Bennet, but are the nieces of the Gardiners.
The story starts with the visit to Rosings of Darcy, Miss Darcy, the Colonel, Wickham and the Bingleys, as Lady Catherine is determined to control the lives of all around her.
A very enjoyable re-read of a well-written variation ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
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Maria Graceautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Parkin, LesleyNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Complete in one volume.Lady Catherine de Bourgh is prepared to be very generous when it comes to medical care for her sickly daughter, Anne - generous enough to lure noted physician Dr. Thomas Bennet to give up his London practice and move his family to Rosings Park. But his good income comes with a price: complete dependence on his demanding patroness's every whim.    Now the Bennet family is trapped, reliant on Lady Catherine for their survival. Their patroness controls every aspect of the Bennet household, from the shelves in the closet to the selection of suitors for the five Bennet daughters. Now she has chosen a husband for headstrong Elizabeth Bennet- Mr. George Wickham. But Lady Catherine's nephew, Fitzwilliam Darcy, is not so sure about his aunt's choice. He is fascinated by the compassionate Elizabeth who seems to effortlessly understand everyone around her, including him. Lady Catherine has other plans for Darcy, though, and she forbids Elizabeth to even speak to him. As Anne's health takes a turn for the worse, Darcy and Elizabeth are thrown together as Dr. Bennet struggles to save Anne's life. Darcy can no longer deny the truth - he is in love with Elizabeth Bennet. But Lady Catherine will do anything to stop Darcy from marrying her - even if it means Elizabeth will lose everything she loves.Sweet Regency Romance

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