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Hannibal Rising di Thomas Harris
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Hannibal Rising (originale 2006; edizione 2007)

di Thomas Harris

Serie: Hannibal Lecter (Prequel)

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4,654872,533 (3.17)56
Fiction. Horror. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:He is one of the most haunting characters in all of literature. At last the evolution of his evil is revealed. 

Hannibal Lecter emerges from the nightmare of the Eastern Front, a boy in the snow, mute, with a chain around his neck.

He seems utterly alone, but he has brought his demons with him.

Hannibals uncle, a noted painter, finds him in a Soviet orphanage and brings him to France, where Hannibal will live with his uncle and his uncles beautiful and exotic wife, Lady Murasaki.

Lady Murasaki helps Hannibal to heal. With her help he flourishes, becoming the youngest person ever admitted to medical school in France.

But Hannibals demons visit him and torment him. When he is old enough, he visits them in turn.

He discovers he has gifts beyond the academic, and in that epiphany, Hannibal Lecter becomes deaths prodigy.
… (altro)
Titolo:Hannibal Rising
Autori:Thomas Harris
Info:Dell (2007), Mass Market Paperback, 384 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

Hannibal Lecter: le origini del male di Thomas Harris (2006)

Aggiunto di recente daCJForrest, GP67, Gracezep, BaileyRenee, isabelleholbert, BonnieHorton, Kutaun, Caitlin.Dionne
Biblioteche di personaggi celebriDavid Foster Wallace
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» Vedi le 56 citazioni

Definitely not my favorite book in the series, but I also do not think it is as bad as some of the reviews I have read on here. Harris knows his stuff, and as so, Hannibal knows his stuff. Very interesting and educational. A fun read with an engaging backstory for one of my favorite literary characters. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
This is a bad book. It's full of flat, uninteresting characters. Gone are Will Graham's inner demons, Clarice Starling's burning desire to please, Mason Verger's quiet and ceaseless rage. Instead are five or six cardboard cannibals to fill out a story that didn't need to be told.

I don't need to know how Hannibal Lector becomes the character in Thomas Harris's other books. I’m not at all interested in his childhood or why he’s a murderer. We get enough backstory in the previous novel and the small snatches are enough. I don’t want him to be humanized. I want him to be deeply evil. It’s scarier that way. ( )
  gideonslife | Jan 5, 2023 |
It's a bit like "Count of Monte-Christo" with the odd cannibalism scene. Down to the title!
I don't mean that in a negative way - the plot is intricate, it's well-written and makes sense, in the light of the events to unfold in the sequels. But after the elaborate beginning, I had the feeling I'm being rushed through the rest. The psychological rationale, Lecter's giftedness and even the plotting of the murders could and should have been deliciously and luxuriously dragged out.
  Kindlegohome | Nov 10, 2022 |
Thomas Harris – Hannibal Rising

After the huge success of The Silence of the Lambs, the moderate success of the follow up Hannibal, film producers almost begged Harris for a sequel. It was quite difficult. Lecter with one hand less than before obviously has lost some of his appeal.

A prequel seemed the logical solution. Hence we meet the little Hannibal, only eight years old, incredibly intelligent (are we surprised?), growing up in Lithuania, in the castle that has been in his family for over five centuries. World War II is nearly over, but leaves its marks on the little boy. Inside the little boy’s head to be more precise. Hannibal is looking after his little sister Mischa, though fails to meets his own standards.

Lecter as we know him from books and movies later on in his life, is addicted to justice, doesn’t mind extreme measures to take revenge if he thinks the situation asks for it.

Growing up in Paris after the war is difficult for him. At first he doesn’t speak at all. Later, raised by his uncle and his Japanese wife, Lecter becomes a young adult searching for justice. He is studying to become a doctor, loves art and speaks several languages fluent. And in the meantime he is trying to get rid of a war trauma.

Not a bad book, with only one huge disadvantage, it can never be seen separately from the brilliant follow up, written decades earlier. Now it is a weak prequel, to obvious written with less artistic purpose but more monetary reasons.

Quote: “Hannibal pulling free running to the door after them, the barn door slamming on his arm, bones cracking, Blue-Eyes turning back to raise the firewood stick, swinging at his head, from the yard the sound of the axe and now the welcome dark.” (p. 237)

Number: 09-001
Title: Hannibal Rising
Author: Thomas Harris
Language: English (US)
Year: 2006
# Pages: 384
Category: Thriller
ISBN: 978-0-099-48984-9
( )
  privaterevolution | Nov 4, 2022 |
  gutierrezmonge | Oct 16, 2022 |
When last seen in the novels of Thomas Harris, Dr. Hannibal Lecter -- clinical psychiatrist, criminal mastermind and grisly gourmand -- was dancing with former FBI agent Clarice Starling on a terrace in Buenos Aires. The discomforting finale of "Hannibal" (1999), which suggested that Clarice had succumbed to Lecter's chemicals, if not his charm, was rejected in the movie version in favor of a more (dare we say?) palatable confection. Now Harris eludes the dissonance of those alternative endings by writing a suspense-driven prequel, "Hannibal Rising": a portrait of the cannibal as a young man.
Thomas Harris owes Anthony Hopkins a debt that he may never adequately repay. Before Hopkins starred as serial killer Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter in the film adaptation of Harris' thriller The Silence Of The Lambs, Harris was already a popular author, with two books under his belt, both adapted to film. But it took Hopkins' sublimely creepy portrayal to catch audiences' imaginations and assure that they'd lay out cash for any book about Lecter, no matter how hacky, tacky, and ill-conceived. The latest, the Silence prequel Hannibal Rising, is at least a step up from the wallowing, pointless grotesqueries of 1999's Hannibal; this installment has its irritating quirks and its notable lacks, but at least it points its Grand Guignol tropes to some purpose.
It really is a shame about Thomas Harris. Red Dragon, published in 1981, and The Silence of the Lambs, which came out seven years later, are among the greatest thrillers of our time.
At a certain point, great pop-culture creations tend, like Frankenstein's monster, to slip their bonds and escape from the control of their progenitors. And Thomas Harris, who dreamed up the pre-eminent fictional boogeyman of our time, seems to recognize that Hannibal Lecter, the homicidal epicurean psychiatrist he brought into being as a plot device and a good sick joke in his 1981 thriller, ''Red Dragon,'' isn't quite his anymore.
The new Thomas Harris novel goes by the title of “Hannibal Rising” (Delacorte; $27.95). This has the effect of making Dr. Hannibal Lecter sound like a soufflé, a fever chart, or a storm—all comparisons that the good doctor, who prides himself as an epicure and a force of nature, would be bound to welcome.
aggiunto da stephmo | modificaNew Yorker, Anthony Lane (Dec 18, 2006)

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This is the first thing
I have understood:
Time is the echo of an axe
Within a wood.
—Philip Larkin
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The door to Dr. Hannibal Lecter's memory palace is in the darkness at the center of his mind and it has a latch that can be found by touch alone.
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Fiction. Horror. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:He is one of the most haunting characters in all of literature. At last the evolution of his evil is revealed. 

Hannibal Lecter emerges from the nightmare of the Eastern Front, a boy in the snow, mute, with a chain around his neck.

He seems utterly alone, but he has brought his demons with him.

Hannibals uncle, a noted painter, finds him in a Soviet orphanage and brings him to France, where Hannibal will live with his uncle and his uncles beautiful and exotic wife, Lady Murasaki.

Lady Murasaki helps Hannibal to heal. With her help he flourishes, becoming the youngest person ever admitted to medical school in France.

But Hannibals demons visit him and torment him. When he is old enough, he visits them in turn.

He discovers he has gifts beyond the academic, and in that epiphany, Hannibal Lecter becomes deaths prodigy.

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