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Courage Resurrected: A Ray Courage Mystery (Ray Courage Private Investigator Series Book 3)

di R. Scott MacKey

Serie: Ray Courage (3)

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Ray Courage's wife Pam died thirteen years before in a car accident. Or did she? Ray's world is turned upside down when he receives a series of e-mails from someone claiming to be his dead wife, accusing him of attempting to kill her and vowing revenge. Ray sets out to find the identity of the e-mailer only to discover the circumstances of his wife's apparent death appear to be all but accidental. Soon Police Detective Carla Thurber comes to suspect Ray of killing his wife, and of a subsequent murder of Pam's confidant. Meanwhile, a murderous predator who does not want the facts of Pam's death to surface aims to stop Ray. In the greatest challenge of his life, Ray must outrun the police and elude those who are out to kill him as he seeks the truth about his wife's death.… (altro)
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I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

Courage Resurrected is book two in the Ray Courage Mystery series. The story begins thirteen years earlier with Ray's wife visibly upset and driving around to avoid going home. She suddenly senses she's being followed. The scene switches to present day, on the thirteenth anniversary of Pam Courage's death. Ray receives a cryptic email message from someone claiming to be Pam and accusing him of trying to kill her. What he began to think was a prank causes him to investigate her accident on his own. Was it really an accident or did someone murder her? If so, why? The reemergence of someone claiming to be his wife has not opened old wounds but a trail of death along the way.

This was a fantastic mystery that kept me guessing until the very end. There were so many plausible reasons for her death, but the truth will definitely surprise you. The reason is even more shocking. All in all, Courage Resurrected is a fast paced action packed mystery everyone will love! ( )
  sunshine9573 | Dec 19, 2022 |
I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

Courage Resurrected is book three in the Ray Courage Mystery series. The story begins thirteen years earlier with Ray's wife visibly upset and driving around to avoid going home. She suddenly senses she's being followed. The scene switches to present day, on the thirteenth anniversary of Pam Courage's death. Ray receives a cryptic email message from someone claiming to be Pam and accusing him of trying to kill her. What he began to think was a prank causes him to investigate her accident on his own. Was it really an accident or did someone murder her? If so, why? The reemergence of someone claiming to be his wife has not opened old wounds but a trail of death along the way.

This was a fantastic mystery that kept me guessing until the very end. There were so many plausible reasons for her death, but the truth will definitely surprise you. The reason is even more shocking. All in all, Courage Resurrected is a fast paced action packed mystery everyone will love! ( )
  Simmy905 | Aug 11, 2015 |
We all handle fights with our spouses differently. It was a bigger fight than they’d ever had. Pam Courage went to see a counselor but quickly ran out. Instead, she chose to drive around and around and around. She finally decided to face the music and go home, but she was dreading it. She takes an exit to turn around. Before she gets back on the highway, a truck broadsides her car and it’s entirely engulfed in flames. There were very few witnesses and no one reported seeing a truck at the scene. Thirteen years go by. There was never any real closure for her husband, Ray, and their daughter, Sara.

On the anniversary of Pam’s death in present day, Sara is in college and Ray begins receiving text messages from Pam. What’s worse is she is blaming him. Then, he is visited by the police who have received an anonymous tip that his wife’s accident was not accidental at all. Detective Carla Thurber spent a bit of time reviewing the records of the investigation before she showed up on Ray’s doorstep. It seems Detective Lewis had done very little investigative work thirteen years ago. By now, Ray is a Private Investigator and begins following some old leads himself.

I was biting at the hook after the prologue and the first chapter. By the end of the second chapter, I was pulled in hook, line, and sinker, and could no longer put the book down. Each chapter propels the reader forward; each closes with a cliffhanger that is carried over into the next chapter. It gets delightfully twisty before straightening out at the end. Ray had a bit of support in Rubia, an ex-gangbanger. Now turned around, she helps others pull themselves out of gangs, drugs, and crime. Ray works with her volunteering on a part-time basis at her non-profit, ‘It’s My Life’ (IML). Rubia’s no-nonsense attitude lent a lot to this story. Rating: 4.5 out of 5. ( )
  FictionZeal | Aug 10, 2015 |
I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

The story revolves around Ray who has lost his wife, Pam in a car accident thirteen years ago. The day of the accident, Ray and his wife had been in an argument that resulted in her fleeing the house in anger and driving away. Does Ray have lingering guilt of that fateful day ?

From out of nowhere, years later, Ray receives an email from someone claiming to be his dead wife. The email goes on to accuse him of trying to muder her all those years ago. Whoever this person really is they intent on getting revenge and making sure he pays for what he tried to do. Who is this person writing the emails? If his wife is really dead, then who has a grudge against him? The author begins to lay the groundwork for a mystery that takes us on a journey of Ray trying to prove his innocence while trying to stay one step ahead of the police who decide that the investigation into what happened that day need to be re examined.

Of course Ray is the main suspect or as the police call it, a person of interest. But why are there others unsavory men following him? Is it their job to make sure he gets convicted of his wife's muder or is there something more mysterious going on with these men? Why are dead bodies shoeing up that point to Ray as the suspect?

The race is on for Ray to dig as deep as he can, stay out of jail and discover the truth behind Pam's death. He gets help from Rubia, a former student from his college days. Will they be able to solve the mystery before time runs out for Ray? The author gives us a book filled with a twists, a determination from Ray to prove his innocence and an ending you won't see coming. I love the authors style of writing that gives us little tiny subtle hints that could easily be missed if you rush thru the book. I encourage you to read the book, take everything in, watch for clues skillfully hidden within the story and enjoy the ride. ( )
  Harley0326 | Jun 28, 2015 |
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Ray Courage's wife Pam died thirteen years before in a car accident. Or did she? Ray's world is turned upside down when he receives a series of e-mails from someone claiming to be his dead wife, accusing him of attempting to kill her and vowing revenge. Ray sets out to find the identity of the e-mailer only to discover the circumstances of his wife's apparent death appear to be all but accidental. Soon Police Detective Carla Thurber comes to suspect Ray of killing his wife, and of a subsequent murder of Pam's confidant. Meanwhile, a murderous predator who does not want the facts of Pam's death to surface aims to stop Ray. In the greatest challenge of his life, Ray must outrun the police and elude those who are out to kill him as he seeks the truth about his wife's death.

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