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The Innocent: A Novel

di Ann H. Gabhart

Serie: Shaker (6)

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"Two years ago, Carlyn Kearney's husband went missing during the Civil War. Now penniless and evicted from her home, she seeks refuge within a Shaker village. While she wrestles with whether or not to commit herself fully to their life, mysterious deaths occur--and she comes under suspicion. Can she help Sheriff Mitchell expose the true culprit?"--… (altro)
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I enjoyed this last story in the series centered around the religious "Shaker" movement. This story takes place in 1865, once again in the Shaker village of Harmony Hill. It begins with Carlyn Kearney, who has spent 2 years hoping that she would receive word of her husband who fought in the war. Now she is being evicted from her home and finds herself joining the Shaker community.

The sheriff, Brodie, who has had to evict her, offers to take her dog, since he is not allowed in the village. Sheriff Brodie and Carlyn will be thrown together for various reasons and you will see the attraction turn to real care and love. There is danger brewing in the Shaker village and people are being murdered; but who is behind it all? This story had a little bit more suspense in it than the others. A series I am glad to have read. ( )
  judyg54 | Nov 16, 2020 |
I love reading anything by Ann Gabhart, she has a way of drawing you right into the lives of the characters she writes about, making you feel that you actually become them for a short while. With The Innocent we get the story of Carlyn Kearney a woman who takes refuge at a Shaker village when her husband doesn't return from the civil war.

I have read several of Ms. Gabhart's books about the Shakers and I must say while they are works of fiction she provides plenty of information about the Shaker community making me feel like I am learning something while reading. The writing allows the setting to come to life making me feel like I have stepped right into the community. I find the characters very easy to connect to, and the time period of right after the civil war is a favorite of mine to read. The inspirational slant is well done, and the romance is light yet satisfying. Ms. Gabhart even weaves in a bit of suspense and mystery to make for a well rounded read. Easily a stand alone read, but if you are like me you are going to want to read everything that Ms. Gabhart has written about this Shaker community.

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review. ( )
  kittycrochettwo | Sep 2, 2015 |
The Innocent by Ann H. Gabhart is an historical Christian novel. It is September of 1865 and Carlyn Kearney has not heard from her husband in two years. He went off to fight in the Civil War and she did not hear from him after the summer of 1863. Carlyn is out of money and has no way to pay the lien on their property and home. Carlyn does not know what to do. She does not want to leave their home in case her husband, Ambrose comes back. Ambrose was listed as missing in action.

Sheriff Mitchell Brodie arrives one day with Curt Whitlow. Curt owns the lien on the property. He has offered to help Carlyn out in exchange for certain favors (we all know he means sex). Curt is married with a family of his own, but that does not stop his roving ways. Sheriff Brodie is very nice and polite to Carlyn. Carlyn greets them at the door with a shotgun and her dog, Asher. Asher has been her friend since the day he arrived starving on her doorstep. Asher does not like Curt and is very protective of Carlyn. Carlyn has one week to leave.

After much prayer Carlyn decides to go to the nearby Shaker village of Harmony Hill. Carlyn is accepted into the village, but not Asher. Carlyn asks Sheriff Brodie to watch Asher for her and give him a good home. Carlyn tries to fit into life at the village, but it is very different. They all have to dress the same way, no violence, a lot of work, many rules, and they are always being watched. Sister Edna is assigned to be Carlyn’s teacher or guide. Sister Edna seems to resent Carlyn (for her looks) and is always finding fault. One day Carlyn overhears an argument between Brother Henry Stratton and Curt Whitlow. The next night their barn with the horses is on fire and Brother Henry cannot be found. Sheriff Brodie sets out to find out who set fire to the barn and who wanted Brother Henry dead (poor man is found under a hay bale). Then Curt Whitlow is missing (and assumed guilty). When Sister Edna is found at the bottom of some steps during the night by Carlyn, Carlyn is accused of pushing her. What is going on in this village? Sheriff Brodie has his work cut out for him. Mitchell Brodie is also having feelings for Carlyn. He would like to get to know her better, but he is unable to with her in the village (Shaker’s are against marriage). Can Mitchell keep her safe and find a way to get to know her better? Does Carlyn have feelings for Mitchell?

Read The Innocent to find out who is messing with the Shaker village and the fate of Carlyn and Mitchell. I give The Innocent 4 out of 5 stars. I liked it, but I admit to not loving it. It is heavy in scripture (a tad preachy). I enjoyed the mystery in the story (I cannot help it if I like mysteries). I found pleasure in how the story ended. Ann H. Gabhart is a good storyteller. I have read books of hers before, and I will definitely will read more of them in the future. She has a good understanding of the Shaker culture and put it together very nicely into this book (there are others as well).

I received a complimentary copy of The Innocent from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The review and opinions expressed are my own. ( )
  Kris_Anderson | Aug 13, 2015 |
This is a wonderful edition to the Harmony Hill series. Carlyn has been alone for two years since her husband went to fight in the civil war. Everyone tells her he is dead since the war ended months before. She is to lose her home because she cannot pay the mortgage to a cruel owner who wants her for bad reasons. Because of this she meets the kind sheriff, Mitchell. She goes to the Shakers for help to keep eating and there she discovers a secret or two and the sheriff helps her in many ways. I loved the characters and the twists and turns in the story. I received this book from Revell for a fair and honest opinion. ( )
  Virginia.Winfield | Jul 9, 2015 |
This is a wonderful edition to the Harmony Hill series. Carlyn has been alone for two years since her husband went to fight in the civil war. Everyone tells her he is dead since the war ended months before. She is to lose her home because she cannot pay the mortgage to a cruel owner who wants her for bad reasons. Because of this she meets the kind sheriff, Mitchell. She goes to the Shakers for help to keep eating and there she discovers a secret or two and the sheriff helps her in many ways. I loved the characters and the twists and turns in the story. I received this book from Revell for a fair and honest opinion. ( )
  Virginia51 | Jul 9, 2015 |
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Shaker (6)
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"Two years ago, Carlyn Kearney's husband went missing during the Civil War. Now penniless and evicted from her home, she seeks refuge within a Shaker village. While she wrestles with whether or not to commit herself fully to their life, mysterious deaths occur--and she comes under suspicion. Can she help Sheriff Mitchell expose the true culprit?"--

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