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Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl: A Memoir di…
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Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl: A Memoir (originale 2015; edizione 2015)

di Carrie Brownstein (Autore)

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1,0304420,866 (3.82)48
Biography & Autobiography. Nonfiction. HTML:

From the guitarist of the pioneering band Sleater-Kinney, the book Kim Gordon says "everyone has been waiting for" and a New York Times Notable Book of 2015— a candid, funny, and deeply personal look at making a life—and finding yourself—in music.

Before Carrie Brownstein became a music icon, she was a young girl growing up in the Pacific Northwest just as it was becoming the setting for one the most important movements in rock history. Seeking a sense of home and identity, she would discover both while moving from spectator to creator in experiencing the power and mystery of a live performance. With Sleater-Kinney, Brownstein and her bandmates rose to prominence in the burgeoning underground feminist punk-rock movement that would define music and pop culture in the 1990s. They would be cited as “America’s best rock band” by legendary music critic Greil Marcus for their defiant, exuberant brand of punk that resisted labels and limitations, and redefined notions of gender in rock.
HUNGER MAKES ME A MODERN GIRL is an intimate and revealing narrative of her escape from a turbulent family life into a world where music was the means toward self-invention, community, and rescue. Along the way, Brownstein chronicles the excitement and contradictions within the era’s flourishing and fiercely independent music subculture, including experiences that sowed the seeds for the observational satire of the popular television series Portlandia years later.
With deft, lucid prose Brownstein proves herself as formidable on the page as on the stage. Accessibly raw, honest and heartfelt, this book captures the experience of being a young woman, a born performer and an outsider, and ultimately finding one’s true calling through hard work, courage and the intoxicating power of rock and roll.

.… (altro)
Titolo:Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl: A Memoir
Autori:Carrie Brownstein (Autore)
Info:Virago (2015), 256 pages.
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere, British Edition
Etichette:memoir, rock music, indie rock, punk rock

Informazioni sull'opera

Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl: A Memoir di Carrie Brownstein (2015)

  1. 00
    The Hot Rock di Sleater-Kinney (Utente anonimo)
  2. 00
    Dig Me Out di Sleater-Kinney (Utente anonimo)
  3. 00
    The Woods di Sleater-Kinney (Utente anonimo)
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» Vedi le 48 citazioni

I really liked this, even though I'm not a big Sleater-Kinney fan. Carrie Brownstein's writing was surprisingly florid at times, in ways both good and bad. Her descriptions of music were really excellent. Overall I loved the balance between topics - Brownstein's childhood, the indie music scene in Olympia in the 90s, her experience with sexism, her own experience as a music fan, the journey of her band, what it's like to be on tour, un-romanticizing indie rock stardom, and the comedown after the band broke up. There's a lot of intellectual musing about identity and fandom. It's even funny here and there. The only thing I really wanted and didn't get was Brownstein's story of her relationship with Fred Armisen. He told Alec Baldwin on Here's the Thing she's his soul mate but their relationship isn't romantic. Fascinating, right? ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
Read this in one sitting. A great, insightful memoir. ( )
  secondhandrose | Oct 31, 2023 |
As a very big Carrie Brownstein fan my opinion of this book may be biased - but it was so good. If you know her from Sleater-Kinney you will LOVE this as it details the origins of the band all the way through to the end and subsequent reunion. If you know her from Portlandia, you will still enjoy reading about her life. I am an even bigger fan of her now having read this book, if that is possible. It is now very evident she is a very cool person in addition to being such a talented and beautiful woman. ( )
  Andy5185 | Jul 9, 2023 |
This memoir by musician and actor Carrie Brownstein describes her childhood and musical career. Coming through the riot grrrl movement in the Washington capital Olympia, Brownstein co-founded Sleater-Kinney, one of the most successful bands to emerge from that movement, and one of the biggest indie bands in the world for a time.

Brownstein takes us behind the scenes for what was in truth a fairly fraught career marred by heartbreak, pain and depression. She pulls few punches in telling her story, although she does refrain from exploring her family background too deeply. She tells us about her mother's anorexia and her father coming out, but does not delve too deep. Her sister is almost a bit player in her book, and that can only be by intent; it's hard to believe that her sister plays such a minor role in her life as the book would suggest.

Riot grrrl came with its own cadre of zines and writers, so it's surprising that there have been so few notable publications about the movement. Sini Anderson's excellent documentary The Punk Singer about Bikini Kill's Kathleen Hanna covers a lot of this ground, and Brownstein's book is a worthwhile complement; a serious book about an influential musical sub-genre, about the struggles of women in music and the depredations of life in a rock band. ( )
  gjky | Apr 9, 2023 |
Interesting to those who would like to know more about the band Sleater-Kinney. ( )
  kropferama | Jan 1, 2023 |
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Biography & Autobiography. Nonfiction. HTML:

From the guitarist of the pioneering band Sleater-Kinney, the book Kim Gordon says "everyone has been waiting for" and a New York Times Notable Book of 2015— a candid, funny, and deeply personal look at making a life—and finding yourself—in music.

Before Carrie Brownstein became a music icon, she was a young girl growing up in the Pacific Northwest just as it was becoming the setting for one the most important movements in rock history. Seeking a sense of home and identity, she would discover both while moving from spectator to creator in experiencing the power and mystery of a live performance. With Sleater-Kinney, Brownstein and her bandmates rose to prominence in the burgeoning underground feminist punk-rock movement that would define music and pop culture in the 1990s. They would be cited as “America’s best rock band” by legendary music critic Greil Marcus for their defiant, exuberant brand of punk that resisted labels and limitations, and redefined notions of gender in rock.
HUNGER MAKES ME A MODERN GIRL is an intimate and revealing narrative of her escape from a turbulent family life into a world where music was the means toward self-invention, community, and rescue. Along the way, Brownstein chronicles the excitement and contradictions within the era’s flourishing and fiercely independent music subculture, including experiences that sowed the seeds for the observational satire of the popular television series Portlandia years later.
With deft, lucid prose Brownstein proves herself as formidable on the page as on the stage. Accessibly raw, honest and heartfelt, this book captures the experience of being a young woman, a born performer and an outsider, and ultimately finding one’s true calling through hard work, courage and the intoxicating power of rock and roll.


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