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Courage Begins: A Ray Courage Mystery Novella (Ray Courage Mystery, #0.5)

di R. Scott MacKey

Serie: Ray Courage (1)

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Garrett and Tiffanie Bate had it all-youth, money, and a perfect marriage. Until Tiffanie is killed in a suspicious accident. Neither the police nor the insurance investigators can prove she was murdered and the case turns cold. Two years later the insurance company asks an intern-former college professor turned private eye Ray Courage-to reopen the investigation. He uncovers little new evidence to support suspicions that Garrett killed his wife for the insurance money. Garrett has the perfect alibi-hundreds of witnesses that place him more than two hours from the scene of Tiffanie's death. Ray knows he's missing something. But what? As his search for the truth unfolds, Ray's life is put in jeopardy and he realizes his adversary is someone who'll kill before he'll be caught.In this prequel to Courage Matters, Ray Courage begins his private investigation career, displaying the skills, abilities and sense of humor that have made him a fan favorite around the world.… (altro)
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Former college professor Ray Courage is now working as a private eye for California Farmers Insurance Company. On his first day they give him a cold case to re-investigate. Two years previously Tiffanie Bate was killed by carbon monoxide poisoning just months after her husband insured her life foe $1.5 million.
An enjoyable well-written novella

( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
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Garrett and Tiffanie Bate had it all-youth, money, and a perfect marriage. Until Tiffanie is killed in a suspicious accident. Neither the police nor the insurance investigators can prove she was murdered and the case turns cold. Two years later the insurance company asks an intern-former college professor turned private eye Ray Courage-to reopen the investigation. He uncovers little new evidence to support suspicions that Garrett killed his wife for the insurance money. Garrett has the perfect alibi-hundreds of witnesses that place him more than two hours from the scene of Tiffanie's death. Ray knows he's missing something. But what? As his search for the truth unfolds, Ray's life is put in jeopardy and he realizes his adversary is someone who'll kill before he'll be caught.In this prequel to Courage Matters, Ray Courage begins his private investigation career, displaying the skills, abilities and sense of humor that have made him a fan favorite around the world.

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