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Hackney Child (2012)

di Hope Daniels

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

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The powerful, refreshingly honest, first-hand account of a childhood spent in the Care system. At the age of nine, Hope Daniels walked into Stoke Newington Police Station with her little brothers and asked to be taken into care. Home life was intolerable: both of Hope's parents were alcoholics and her mum was a prostitute. The year was 1983. As London emerged into a new era of wealth and opportunity, the Daniels children lived in desperate poverty, neglected and barely nourished. Hounded by vigilante neighbours and vulnerable to the drunken behaviour of her parents' friends, Hope had to draw on her inner strength. Hackney Child is Hope's gripping story of physical and emotional survival - and the lifeline given to her by the support of professionals working in the care system. Despite all the challenges she faced, Hope never lost compassion for her parents. Her experiences make essential reading and show that, with the right help, the least fortunate children have the potential not only to recover but to thrive. 'It's raw and absorbing'Grazia 'This story needed to be told' Cassie Harte, Sunday Times Number One bestselling author  … (altro)
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I loved this book. Hope was taken into foster care after a horrendous childhood. Things went wrong but she rose above it, but what I liked best is it was more than a cry-ography but is honest about how the system works and how even with its failings it is better than the alternative- living in a dysfunctional family. A must read for social workers and people involved with children in care. ( )
  mumoftheanimals | May 16, 2018 |
This is a tragic tale of poverty and the UK care system. My full review is below, I cannot rate this higher due to the bad language which is on nearly every page....

There is some graphic sexual content and low level violence and I've already mentioned the language. I don't recommend this book for Christian readers. ( )
  sparkleandchico | Aug 31, 2016 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Hope Danielsautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Livingstone, MoragAutoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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‘Sometimes going into care gives better chances, is just better, than living at home’
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The powerful, refreshingly honest, first-hand account of a childhood spent in the Care system. At the age of nine, Hope Daniels walked into Stoke Newington Police Station with her little brothers and asked to be taken into care. Home life was intolerable: both of Hope's parents were alcoholics and her mum was a prostitute. The year was 1983. As London emerged into a new era of wealth and opportunity, the Daniels children lived in desperate poverty, neglected and barely nourished. Hounded by vigilante neighbours and vulnerable to the drunken behaviour of her parents' friends, Hope had to draw on her inner strength. Hackney Child is Hope's gripping story of physical and emotional survival - and the lifeline given to her by the support of professionals working in the care system. Despite all the challenges she faced, Hope never lost compassion for her parents. Her experiences make essential reading and show that, with the right help, the least fortunate children have the potential not only to recover but to thrive. 'It's raw and absorbing'Grazia 'This story needed to be told' Cassie Harte, Sunday Times Number One bestselling author  

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