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Red Lightning: A Novel

di Laura Pritchett

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352717,929 (3.14)18
"Ten years ago, Tess Cross left her newborn daughter with her sister and hightailed it out of what she called NoWhere, Colorado. Now she returns to the eastern plains of Colorado, full of raw rage at herself and at the universe, yearning for the life she never lead and the daughter she left behind. As a levantona who has been running drugs and illegal immigrants once they're beyond the US-Mexico border, she's knowingly and even defiantly entered into a harsh and dangerous world. But suddenly her world has become darker than she can bear: The largest wildfire in Colorado history is blazing. Immigrants are dead. She's haunted by the memory of a Mexican woman she couldn't save and a lost Mexican girl she did. Traffickers - of both immigrants and drugs - are now hunting her down. But most of all, Tess is at the mercy of her own traumatized soul, and the weight of it is cracking her apart. Before completing the only courageous action she can think of, Tess must now face her dying mother, her sister, and her daughter, and most importantly, herself. This book broaches timely topics essential in the West-immigration, rural poverty, wildfires -with suspense and gritty wisdom as well as Pritchett's trademark lyricism and grace. Like Libby, her sister and the central character of Pritchett's novel Sky Bridge, Tess has her own coming-of-age, in a revelatory story of hard-earned transformation and redemption. "--… (altro)
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Red Lightning is billed as being both a stand alone story as well as somewhat of a sequel to Sky Bridge. My impression is that Red Lightning would be a somewhat confusing and a less meaningful read if you had not read Sky Bridge. Tess returns to the small town in Colorado, where the child she abandoned at birth lives with Tess's sister, Libby. Tess has been running illegal immigrants and drugs at the US/Mexican border for the past 10 years. By the time she returns home to her sister and her birth child, Tess is coming apart physically and mentally from the life that she has led. She is being pursued by the law, and a migrant / drug run gone wrong. Tess must face her sister, her birth child and her dying mother and past life , as well as what is happening in her current life.

Perhaps because Tess is mentally fragile, the story is at times a bit dream like and does not have the same tone as Sky Bridge. That may have been to serve a purpose, but I did not enjoy the style of writing as much.

Still, well worth the read as a follow up to Sky Bridge. ( )
1 vota vancouverdeb | Nov 29, 2015 |
An author that I feel does not get the recognition she deserves. Read her [book:Stars Go Blue|18596558] and was blown away by the story and the characters. Same in this one, her prose is so darn beautiful but powerful at the same time.

The plight of the immigrants are at the forefront of this story, as when Tess left her newborn baby for hr sister to raise, she became a levantona. A word I had never heard of before this book. This is a very gritty, in your face book of redemption, forgiveness and the importance of home and family. Tess has forgiving to do and she needs many to forgive her and give her another chance. Amazing book, especially since it is so short and so much is covered. Maybe home is the place where they have to take you in, or at least to be there and try. Loved reading about Tess and her story as well as her daughter Amber and her quiet wisdom for one so young.

Wonderful author, unforgettable story.

ARC from NetGalley. ( )
  Beamis12 | Jul 14, 2015 |
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" I felt the grass was the country, as the water is the sea. The red of the grass made all the great prarie the colour of wine-stains... the whole country seemed, somehow, to be running. " Willa Cather, My Antonia
" This end won't summarize our forever. Somethings can be fixed by fire, some not. Dearheart, we're already air." - Dean Young , " Elemental"
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Dedicated to Jake and Eliana
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

"Ten years ago, Tess Cross left her newborn daughter with her sister and hightailed it out of what she called NoWhere, Colorado. Now she returns to the eastern plains of Colorado, full of raw rage at herself and at the universe, yearning for the life she never lead and the daughter she left behind. As a levantona who has been running drugs and illegal immigrants once they're beyond the US-Mexico border, she's knowingly and even defiantly entered into a harsh and dangerous world. But suddenly her world has become darker than she can bear: The largest wildfire in Colorado history is blazing. Immigrants are dead. She's haunted by the memory of a Mexican woman she couldn't save and a lost Mexican girl she did. Traffickers - of both immigrants and drugs - are now hunting her down. But most of all, Tess is at the mercy of her own traumatized soul, and the weight of it is cracking her apart. Before completing the only courageous action she can think of, Tess must now face her dying mother, her sister, and her daughter, and most importantly, herself. This book broaches timely topics essential in the West-immigration, rural poverty, wildfires -with suspense and gritty wisdom as well as Pritchett's trademark lyricism and grace. Like Libby, her sister and the central character of Pritchett's novel Sky Bridge, Tess has her own coming-of-age, in a revelatory story of hard-earned transformation and redemption. "--

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