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Dragon Her Feet

di Celia Kyle, Mina Carter

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1331,565,672 (3.93)Nessuno
Sometimes a girl's gotta flex her quills and lay down the law ... Katie Carmichael may not be a scary badass dragon capable of toasting her enemies to a crisp, but that doesn't mean she's a pushover. And sure, the roaring, fire-breathing hottie is, uh, hot, but she's a chick with a plan. A plan that includes a secluded old farmhouse and doesn't include a tall, heavily muscled, and totally delicious weredragon. Joey Kenton, new owner of said old farmhouse, has plans of his own. They revolve around one, curvy, spitfire werehedgehog and whether their children will be hoglets or dragonlets--Joey would be happy with either. Until Katie's life is threatened and he realizes that her life is more important than his love for her. Of course, Katie realizes Joey is an idiot and when she revises her plans ... *This book has been reissued and contains NO new content. Please verify ownership before purchasing.*… (altro)
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Great light hearted romantic fluff. ( )
  LadyTi | Nov 7, 2022 |
This was a quick fun read. ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
"4 out of 5 stars!! Because of his grandfather's death--the man who raised him--Joseph (Joey) heads "home" to settle the estate. Once he gets there, he runs nose first into meeting his mate. Now he just needs to convince his prickly little mate that he's worthy of her trust, before the dangers of being who he is get in the way.

This was one mismatched set of mates that I thoroughly enjoyed reading about!! Joey and Katie seem different in every conceivable way but their hearts and "inner beasties" can't deny their connection even if for better or worse they want to at times."

Read more of this review and TWO TEASERS here: ( )
  fromjesstoyou | Mar 21, 2016 |
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Celia Kyleautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Carter, Minaautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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Sometimes a girl's gotta flex her quills and lay down the law ... Katie Carmichael may not be a scary badass dragon capable of toasting her enemies to a crisp, but that doesn't mean she's a pushover. And sure, the roaring, fire-breathing hottie is, uh, hot, but she's a chick with a plan. A plan that includes a secluded old farmhouse and doesn't include a tall, heavily muscled, and totally delicious weredragon. Joey Kenton, new owner of said old farmhouse, has plans of his own. They revolve around one, curvy, spitfire werehedgehog and whether their children will be hoglets or dragonlets--Joey would be happy with either. Until Katie's life is threatened and he realizes that her life is more important than his love for her. Of course, Katie realizes Joey is an idiot and when she revises her plans ... *This book has been reissued and contains NO new content. Please verify ownership before purchasing.*

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